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PS4 working and not XBOX1

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hi i have both consoles and on the ps4 the geo filter seems to work good i can get games with these setings 345 radius and 30 ping asst but on the xbox1 it dosent i cant see the host cant get games verything is the same strict on geo filter on set home over illinois to get that server and it works on ps4 not xbox1 the only thing different is that for the ps4 i port forward udp 3074 and on the xbox 3075 udp i tried fprwarding 3074 for the xbox as well but i could not so i do know if thats why my nats are open on both consoles can some one tell me why are help me please thank you .

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Hey, I would ensure that you are selecting the right device for xbox. Double check the IP in device manager with the IP in the Xbox network settings. Then ensure the correct one is selected at the top of the Geo-filter. 


Can you take a screenshot of your Host filtering page please

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