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Destiny settings for PS4

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I've had my Netduma a short amount of time and chiefly use it for pvp on Destiny. I regularly am matched with players up to 7,000 miles away despite my geofilter and would like to know if this is normal. I am currently just using the Destiny preset except I closed the geofilter to about 1000 miles to keep players out from certain areas that are constantly lagging (carribean and central America). I am matched with Saudi Arabia, South Korea, etc although I am on the east coast of the U.S.! Please let me know how to make my Netduma work properly. Thanks in advance.

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Hey, I would firstly ensure that at the top of the page the device you're using has the enabled box ticked. I assume as you're using the profile that strict is unticked and PA is at 0. Is that correct?

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