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netduma not working properly

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Hi there i have had a duma for a while now. but i have been having problems for a while now. I no longer get all the dl and ul that my isp provides. i still have games where i  3bar or less and i lag and have other ppl lagging in the game. could someone please help as i dont want to unplug my duma. 

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Hi there - You seem to have a few questions, or perhaps need clarification, on a few items in that request.


1) "I no longer get all the dl and ul that isp provides."


2) "I still have games where I 3 bar or less"


3) "I have other people lagging in game" 


If these are indeed what you are looking for, let me see if I can help.


Answer to 1):  Have you toyed with the settings and have you read this thread on speed through the Netduma:  http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=why_is_my_speed_lower


Answer to 2):  The "3bar, 2bar" is a visual representation of how strong your connection is to THAT game at THAT time.  If this host is far away, or if they have a heavily congested house with a lot of users, this would be a condition of gaming on that host.  Rate this host low in the Allow/Deny setting and they won't get host again if you are in the lobby.  Do this a few times with a known area like inside your Geo Filter and you will slowly build a library of acceptable hosts for P2P games.  

  • If you have a dedicated server giving you these results, consider shrinking your Geo Filter to avoid it and don't be afraid to use the Temp Ban feature.

Answer to 3):  Nothing short of giving everyone fiber to the console connections, on a brand new pristine network, and insuring they only game in their zipcode plus about 100 miles is going to fix this issue I am afraid.  To have a device that just boots people from your lobby because you think their connection is not ideal to your gaming experience would be an unmitigated nightmare and awfully unfriendly.  I'm afraid that is not the business model in use here.


I suspect some of these problems are just in understanding the device and how to use it better to your advantage.  We all went through these early growing pains and have come out the other side much wiser and with a much greater understanding of what we can control and what is completely out of our hands.  You'll get there too with a little reading and experimenting. :)


Hope this helps.



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  • Netduma Staff

Hey, welcome to the forum! I would re-iterate the above; you should experiment more with some of the settings. Try putting your "Distance" slider to 1000km, your "Ping Assist" to 60ms, setting your download/upload cap to 70 and 70, and putting your console onto "Hyper Traffic" in the congestion control tab.


Following these steps, and some of the steps listed above, should help to reduce your lag.

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