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How to make a Half-Duplex Network hotspot


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This tutorial is for the sake of anyone who wants to have a half-duplex environment for whatever reason.


On your pc:




1. Have a ethernet connection to your netduma.


2. Share your ethernet connection to network adapters.


3. Press WIN+X to open CMD in admin mode


4. type: netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=AdHoc key=password

you can change adhoc and password for whatever ssid and key you'd like.


5. type: netsh wlan start hostednetwork


To set full/half duplex types:


1. Right click my computer > Properties


2. Device manager > network adapter


3. Ethernet Adapter > Advanced


4. Speed and Duplex : Choose what you like :)


For this to work you have to have 2 network adapters atleast.

Alternatively you can purchase a router that supports this.

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