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Mon netduma ne fonctionne plus


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Guest Netduma_Iain

Thanks for trying with your father.


Unfortunately we don't recommend downgrading the firmware ever mate. 

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hello, I installed 1.03.3 upgrade with the option not to keep the current setting.
- IP is netduma
- I disabled wifi and wifi setting Enable work-around because netduma loop restarts. it's good now
- I connected the pc1, xbox and one isp router and switched on the netduma but the router restart loop
I tried to just connect the PC1 and isp router. I waited for the PC1 Internet. Then I plugged in the xbox one dhcp. All is ok
I disabled the Enable deep packet processing and I put in Reactive. For my maximum speed. it's good, I tested with speedtest xbox one
The final problem is that now the netduma loop restarts with my other pc2.
now it's one xbox works but not pc2 (netudma restarts loop)
before pc2 is working but not the xbox one (netudma restarts loop)


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After several test, I think I found the problem


the problem is that my netduma does not support having two devices with Gigabit Ethernet boards


Pc1 : 100 Ethernet board
Pc2 : Gigabit Ethernet board
xbox one: Gigabit Ethernet board
xbox 360 : 100 Ethernet board

netduma with firmware 1.03.2
pc1, pc2, xbox 360, isp router connected: all is ok
I connected my pc 2 before connected the xbox one
pc2: dhcp ok - no netduma loop restarts ramdom
pc 1: dhcp ok - no netduma loop restarts ramdom
Xbox 360: dhcp ok - no netduma loop restarts ramdom
Xbox one: dhcp not working - netduma loop restarts ramdom


netduma with 1.03.3 firmware (instalation without keeping the current setting)
pc1, xbox one, xbox 360, isp router connected: all is ok
I connected my xbox one before connecting the  pc2
pc2: dhcp not working - netduma loop restarts ramdom
pc 1: dhcp ok - no netduma loop restarts ramdom
Xbox 360: dhcp ok - no netduma loop restarts ramdom
Xbox one: dhcp ok - no netduma loop restarts ramdom


My netduma save at first use the first device with Gigabit Ethernet board and bug with the second device with Gigabit Ethernet board


Do you think this is possible?

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I thought of something
when my netduma works with Pc2 and xboxone. I had a  isp router ethernet board 100
now my operator I increased the speed at 200/40 and gave me a new router isp giga ethernet board and I replaced this with the E3200 giga ethernet board.
I think if you use a router giga ethernet port 1 netduma. My Netduda only accepts a device with giga ethernet card.
if I use a 100 ethernet router on port 1 netduma. there is no problem with giga ethernet card devices

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the problem is: if you use a router giga ethernet port 1 netduma. My only Netduda Accepts one device with giga ethernet card.

I put a router 100 ethernet just after my e3200 and I connected the  router 100 ethernet on port 1 of netduma

Pc1, pc2, xbox one all works perfect.

Do you have a solution?

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Hi Firepanda


Thanks for all the research, it could be true and if so we would love to find out. You have a couple of theories at the moment. If you have time can you test them and confirm which one is the case then I'll look into it :) 

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hi, I tested and I confirm my netduma does not support two devices with giga ethernet boards if the router isp is also with giga ethernet.


After a factory reset netduma, the first device ( A ) with giga Ethernet board connected works perfectly.
The second device ( B ) with giga Ethernet board connected. the netduma ramdom loop restarts and dhcp not working


the netduma records the first device ( A ) with giga ethernet board  and even if you disconnect the first device with giga ethernet board. The second device ( B ) with giga ethernet board bug.

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Yes I use the netduma I connected my xbox one first as I can play without the netduma reboot and I connected an pc with 100 ethernet on netduma to use dasboard.


I can wait for you to find a solution for giga ethernet devices problemes.


No problem take your time. ☺

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  • 5 months later...

Bonjour, s'il vous plaît faire sure vous suivez http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=fine_tune_netdumaAssurer le bouton sous votre appareil dit « désactiver ». Mode strict sur ​​, ping aider 0 et voyez comment vous obtenez le


J'ai suivi vos conseils a la lettre , je trouve des parties dans la limite du geofiltre mais une fois que je suis dans le salon , je suis expulser du salon. Je suis obliger de re agrandir la geozone pour trouver une partie loin de chez moi ,mais qu'es que ca lag , c'est horrible . Mon routeur est il mal flasher peut etre ?

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J'ai suivi vos conseils a la lettre , je trouve des parties dans la limite du geofiltre mais une fois que je suis dans le salon , je suis expulser du salon. Je suis obliger de re agrandir la geozone pour trouver une partie loin de chez moi ,mais qu'es que ca lag , c'est horrible . Mon routeur est il mal flasher peut etre ?


Non il est peu probable . Permet de faire programmer un 1 sur 1 et je vais regarder vos paramètres . Message personnel moi et nous pouvons mettre en place

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Envoyez-moi un message personnel avec un temps lorsque vous êtes disponible . Je vais ensuite vous donner plus de détails une fois que nous avons établi un temps :)

Ok,je vous est envoyer un message privé , dite moi si j'ai réussi a bien le faire ?

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