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Constant PSN Issues in the last week (and thus destiny) when using netduma

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Like the topic says - it has been for the last week or so now where I can rarely connect to PSN and when I do, its slow as molasses and I get frequently kicked before even getting to the tower in Destiny.


I am connected by CAT6 to directly to the netduma, and then in turn to my ISP provided router (bridge mode)


Now if I connect directly to the ISP router, via wifi, everything works great!


Feel free to shoot troubleshooting questions about my config!

Thanks in advance!


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Hi Fraser


Sorry for the slow reply - real life sucks sometimes :)


Did all the above and it seemed to actually make things worse - couldnt even successfully test connection to internet in the end. Now I am sadly bypassing the netduma completely and connected to the modem direct via wifi and things are fast and silky (as long as noone else is home sucking my bandwidth!)

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Just some further feedback. I then went through the complete setup process again, following the guide in Fraser's sig - and ended up with a nat type 3 (previously type 2) - no psn connection and the ps4 speedtest says 8.9kbps down / 268.7kbps up


Going via wifi on my isp router - I get no problems and 6.7mbps down / 1 mbps up

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I'm not sure how you managed that, It's impossible to make it worse.

  • Put WAN IP from duma device manager in ISP hub DMZ.
  • Disable any UPnP/port forwarding on ISP hub.
  • Enable UPnP on duma/disable port forwarding.
  • Connect PS via automatic network settings.
  • Preemptive Algorithm
  • 100% anti-flood
  • Share excess enabled
  • Reset device prioritisation & apply
  • Disable IPv6 in WAN, LAN & misc
  • Disable deep packet in misc
  • Do a wired speed test from a PC
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  • 2 months later...


I'm not sure how you managed that, It's impossible to make it worse.

  • Put WAN IP from duma device manager in ISP hub DMZ.

Not possible -> the old modem was managed by the ISP and thus I couldn't do much with it. Since then I have bought a really simple basic modem to use instead (note: not a router - just a simple pass-through modem like the old days. It worked great with the RTAC87U I have used in the last couple of months and now I thought my frustration with netduma had lowered to a point where i could try it again. Guess what? Same old crappy story. 


I started with a factory reset then continuing your tips...

  • Disable any UPnP/port forwarding on ISP hub.


  • Enable UPnP on duma/disable port forwarding.

Done - under settings > upnp > ticked enable

  • Connect PS via automatic network settings.


  • Preemptive Algorithm

Done - under Congestion control > select preemptive

  • 100% anti-flood

Done - for both Download Cap and Upload Cap

  • Share excess enabled

Done in the device prioritisation check box

  • Reset device prioritisation & apply

Done with both the upload and download device prioritisation tab active (Note there is no apply button - receive message box that settings applied successfully

  • Disable IPv6 in WAN, LAN & misc

Done done and done

  • Disable deep packet in misc


  • Do a wired speed test from a PC

6.9 mbs down and 0.9 up at speedtest.net via PC... also note the below:


Ping Diagnostics

Run Test

Ping Jitter Spikes Packet Loss Good Exceptional Exceptional No Loss



Result is - cannot sign into PSN. Benchmarks via ps4 speedtest similar to last time (i.e. a few kb/S) - yet when I run with the AC87U it gives an identical result to speedtest every time!



Sorry to speak harshly - but this router really is utter garbage. I have put so many hours into making this work, and the strange thing is that it worked kinda OK for the first 2 months or so.

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Sigh ignorance is your worst enemy. Disable geo filter. Port forward 3074 up for ps4, disable upnp. Cc = 90/90. Set geo filter for 400 miles, 40 ms ping. . This router isn't for weak minded individuals.


Ha ha :) But you do realise you are recommending almost the exact opposite of Fraser?


I suppose I deserved that kind of response for my strongly expressed views. But they are expressed with a history of probably 40-50 hours of troubleshooting this. And then on top of that the recommended solutions are pretty much to disable everything that differentiates this router from the rest of the market? I may as well use the old trash router from the ISP.


I love the idea of the router, I like the different approach they are taking, I like supporting a startup -> but when in a more less base state I can't even SIGN-IN on PSN then it's rating is correctly Garbage :(




Hmmm - I don't get it. That does not seem to relate to my problem at all - especially when geofilter is disabled already. My issue is not being able to sign into PSN except for like 1 time in 10, and then even then it lasts for at most a minute or two. Its like my PS4 traffic is being throttled to like 0.1% or something

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Hmmmm I think I may have found something Fraser and it feels like a bug. But good news anyway...


Only other device on the network that seemed to have issues was my NAS (Synology1512) - not terrible issues but certainly slower than with any other router. 


I have my DHCP range set to .2 -> .97 as I then use anything from 98 onwards for any static IP's I need to set. The NAS has 2 interfaces both with static ip's (.100 and.101) and I noticed one of them wasn't showing in device manager.


So I went and set it to dynamic to see if it picked up an address and it did. Then I set it back to static and it disappeared again. Odd!


Long story short - I instead reserved it an IP in DHCP  and it gets its 'static' ip from the pool and appears fine. THE MOMENT I did this then the PS4 has been working great with PSN!


Note that this cannot be a conflict as the static IP's are outside of the range of the DHCP pool and the first interface which has always shown in device manager still has a static IP bound at the interface instead of via reservation.


I have even started adding back some features now for the PS4 and using geolocation, congestion crontrol @70%, enabled HyperLane for the PS4, and loaded up the destiny profile and its been working with everything!

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That's fantastic that you've managed to resolve the issue and it's all working great!


I will make a note of this issue so we can resolve this in future.


I'll close this thread now but do feel free to make another if needed :)

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