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strict nat....i have the message in device manager that says " we have detected you are connected to another router ect"   but no where is my wan ip address listed to put in for dmz on my other router. help please i have been messing with this for about 8 hrs im a noob and dont have a clue what im doing

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  • Netduma Staff

To be able so see th WAN IP you need to upgrade to th the latest version. Instructions on upgrading can be found on the Wiki: http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=manual_update


Once you have upgraded you will be able to see the WAN IP in the device manager underneath th the blue box which gives you the message.

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  • Netduma Staff

ok thats helped alot thanks i got my nat open in cod it still says moderate in my xbox network settings


Its probably because your GeoFilter is blocking a NAT server or something. It probably won't matter or affect your games, but if you disable the GeoFilter before you do the NAT test then it should show the true results :) Was there an exclamation mark on your GeoFilter when running the test? You could just add the server to your allow list instead of disabling the GeoFilter very time :)

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i thought i had this fixed but i guess i was wrong and the geo filter is disabled. ok so i put the wan ip for my duma in the dmz hosting of my other router but nat is still strict and i cannot connect to any friends to play cod aw. even in the same house when they are connected to the other router we cant play togeathe plz help guys thanks 



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  • Netduma Staff

i thought i had this fixed but i guess i was wrong and the geo filter is disabled. ok so i put the wan ip for my duma in the dmz hosting of my other router but nat is still strict and i cannot connect to any friends to play cod aw. even in the same house when they are connected to the other router we cant play togeathe plz help guys thanks 





Can you check to see if the WAN IP has changed? The DHCP lease may have expired and the router gave the R1 another IP, this would mean it is no longer in DMZ. Can you check this? :)

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Guest Netduma Fraser

Just to make sure, your Xbox shows as having the button saying 'enable' correct? That means its disabled. If you go to settings UPnP is it enabled? Also go to settings > miscellaneous and enable UPnP forwarding. 

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Just to make sure, your Xbox shows as having the button saying 'enable' correct? That means its disabled. If you go to settings UPnP is it enabled? Also go to settings > miscellaneous and enable UPnP forwarding. 

yes it say enable   and yes i do have upnp enabled on my other router and i do not see any other setting that say miscellaneous is there a upnp setting on the duma?

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Guest Netduma Fraser

If you scroll down to the bottom of any page on the router what version do you have? 


If you're on one of the latest versions you should see Settings on the left. If you click the you should see UPnP as the third option and Miscellaneous as the last option.

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If you scroll down to the bottom of any page on the router what version do you have? 


If you're on one of the latest versions you should see Settings on the left. If you click the you should see UPnP as the third option and Miscellaneous as the last option.

1.03.02 any yes i found everthing u said to do  upnp was enabled but upnp forwarding was not.  but now it is the duma rebooted  then it said my nat was moderate then shortly changed back to strict

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Just to confirm, when you wire it to your ISP hub is the NAT still strict? 

yes fraser when i take it to my friends house and wire it to his isp hub it is strict when i have it at my own house i have an open nat because i only  have a modem 

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Hi Shane,


If you do the following:

  • Have the WAN IP on device manager page set as the DMZ IP on the other router
  • Have UPnP enabled on the R1
  • Make sure automatically acquire IP is on for xbox/playsation

Then you should have an open NAT if not the DMZ on the other router maybe faulty. 

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Hi Shane,


If you do the following:

  • Have the WAN IP on device manager page set as the DMZ IP on the other router
  • Have UPnP enabled on the R1
  • Make sure automatically acquire IP is on for xbox/playsation

Then you should have an open NAT if not the DMZ on the other router maybe faulty. 

i have all the above done as u listed and i still have a strict nat with the r1. the werid thing is that threw all the struggle i got my friends nat to open from moderate when connnected to the other router but im connected to the r1 so i can host filter when we game and cant connect to him or any other friends (they live close by) dmz must be fulty any suggestions?  the router modem combro is an actiontec Model #: R1000H 

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  • Netduma Staff

i have all the above done as u listed and i still have a strict nat with the r1. the werid thing is that threw all the struggle i got my friends nat to open from moderate when connnected to the other router but im connected to the r1 so i can host filter when we game and cant connect to him or any other friends (they live close by) dmz must be fulty any suggestions?  the router modem combro is an actiontec Model #: R1000H 


If the DMZ isn't working, you could try port forwarding all none reserved ports which are 1024-65535 for both TCP & UDP.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Sorry Shane I forgot to add in my list make sure you also have the geo-filter off. If the geo-filter is off and you bootup the consol from fresh do you still get a NAT that is not open?


If so we can try Crossys suggestion :) 

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