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Upnp and Manual port forward at the same time?

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Hey.  If I am manually port forwarding ports that are not listed in the Upnp port forwarding rules, is their any conflict if I am port forwarding while having Upnp enabled at the same time?  Will this deteriorate lag/gameplay?  For example, I have learned that on PS4 for COD AW it uses ports 80,443,1935 etc.  These ports are not listed in the Upnp rules when active.  So I am wondering if I can have upnp enabled while port forwarding manually at the same time.  Thanks

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  • Netduma Staff

Hey.  If I am manually port forwarding ports that are not listed in the Upnp port forwarding rules, is their any conflict if I am port forwarding while having Upnp enabled at the same time?  Will this deteriorate lag/gameplay?  For example, I have learned that on PS4 for COD AW it uses ports 80,443,1935 etc.  These ports are not listed in the Upnp rules when active.  So I am wondering if I can have upnp enabled while port forwarding manually at the same time.  Thanks


As long as you have an open NAT is shouldn't matter - UPnP gives you an open NAT if the Netduma is in the other routers DMZ so there should be no reason to port forward the other ports. I'm pretty sure the ports you listed aren't used for CoD and I looked on CoD forums and I could't see them on there. If you need an open NAT, make sure you have followed the steps here. :)

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I tried forwarding the ports when I first got my R1 and to be honest upnp worked better.

If you do want to go ahead and do the port forward thing (I am sure you already know this) the ports are TCP/UDP 80 443 1935 and 3478-3480

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Jus you can but I highly recommend not doing it. UPnP should be sufficient, if the game says Open like Crossy said then there is nothing to do. 

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Thanks a lot guys.  My nat is open, so I will go ahead and delete port forwarding and just leave upnp enabled.  Thanks for the heads up.


Also, does the R1 currently only support up to 120mb download speeds?   I have a 200mb download from my ISP but the fastest ive tested so far after using the R1 is about 110mb down.  I think I saw in a previous post something about max bandwidth speed limitations with the R1?


Thanks again guys.

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