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Couple questions

Mr fncypants

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1 my update button is not always there to allow or deny a host. It seems to happen if I just stay in the same lobby and not refresh my page on the filter page of Duma


2 what would you consider a bad host?


3 why are all the circles red and not any other colors?

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2) it's subjective and non a definitive answer. You need to decide what is acceptable to you. Personally too high a ping once game starts or regular spikes / choppy ping then they are blocked.


3) they are red as you are using the first geofilter device slot. If you had a second device added they would all be a different colour (green is next I think) and a 3rd device different again.

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A couple of the dedi's close to me play horrible. One in the Netherlands and another in France. If you adjust your geo filter range or home placement to exclude them. wait two minutes till they have gone off your map then try again this will usually exclude you from joining them.

However if your ping to them is still within your ping assist range you may still connect but I find this doesn't happen too often.

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