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Slow Download Speeds/Normal Upload; But download started out just fine...

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Hey everyone,


Having some download issues. When I first setup the Netduma, I was getting as expected download speeds; excess of 80Mbps+ with ~5ms ping and 12Mbps download.


Setup: [Comcast Xfinity] ------> [surboard SB6183] ------> [NetDuma R1] ------> [Apple Time Capsule (bridge mode)]


My Xbox is connected to the NetDuma directly via hardwire Cat6 cable. All other devices are wireless and are connected to the Apple Time Capsule in bridge mode.


When I first setup my setup, my laptops and phones would easily pull 80Mbps+ download.


Now, a few days later, my download is crap; pulling in 0.5 - 3.5Mbps with a ~25ms ping. However, my upload is fine! This is whith GeoFilter off as well. I'm using reactive algorithm. The caps are set to 100% and share excess is selected as well.


I really haven't done a whole lot of customization aside from setting up my GeoFilter for my Xbox One.


I rebooted the router, that also didn't help at all.


Timeline: Last Thursday: Setup day! Everything is great! Friday: Everything works! I then leave for the weekend to head to my parents with the wife. Gone Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday. Come back Sunday night. Sunday night, everthing seems ok, but not really paying attention or doing anything intesive.


Today, Monday morning, I notice the crap download speeds. Reboot router, issue still persists.


Version: 1.03.6g Most settings are default, if not 99% of them are default. No turbo mode, no Hyper-Traffic, etc. UPnP is enabled, UPnP Forwarding is NOT enabled.


Let me know what y'all think...



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Even my Xbox One, which is hardwired to the Netduma, is having issues. The network app tells me my xbox is getting .12Mbps down, 10.05Mbps up, no packet loss, and 362 ms ping.


I don't get it.


It works great for the first day or so after setup but then it tanks on me. I go back to using the Time Capsule as the router and I forget I even have the Netduma until another update comes out.


Rinse and repeat. Update router, set it back up, great results for the first two days or so, and it tanks on me.


Any suggestions anyone?

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Hey, in bandwidth settings put 200/200 and allow it to auto setup. Then put in your normal speeds but don't allow auto setup. Do a wired speed test from a PC and see if your speeds have returned.


Didn't work :( and I've got my work laptop connected directly to the router via ethernet.


One thing I did noticed is that when I click on VPN, the fast setup is checked as enabled, though no devices are checked and I don't have a "hide my ass" account details entered in. When I uncheck the "Enable" box and then come back to VPN it re-checks it. Is this ok?


I even found some, well, a lot of text stored in the "Setup" config box; seems to be HTML.


The WAN option for IPv6 also seems to just auto turn itself off as well. Not sure if this has anything to do with turning off the VPN etc.


I've tried everything and I've read all the wiki and searched the forum and reddit. And nothing...


This is starting to get somewhat frustrating. I've had the router for 3-4 months now and it just sits unused on my desk. I work up to find the time to reconfigure it, and it works great, and then after a few days of not making any changes, it just shits out on me. The new firmware came out and I decided to give it a go again, and same issues. Reboots and pulling the power plugs on my equipment does nothing. Not even gonna bother doing a factory reset, I shouldn't have to.


I want to use and love this router, but right now I can't :(


If there's anyway to get a 1v1 that would be amazing.

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Can you make sure the ethernet cables you're using are capable of speeds of 100mbps+, specifically the ones connecting to your devices. If you're using the cable supplied by us to connect the R1 to your hub then the R1 will be receiving those speeds but if the ethernets from R1 to devices aren't capable of those speeds you won't get them.

I wouldn't worry about the VPN page at all. 

Are you applying the settings once IPv6 is turned off? 

Please try the above suggestions and we can go for a 1 on 1 if that doesn't work.

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Can you make sure the ethernet cables you're using are capable of speeds of 100mbps+, specifically the ones connecting to your devices. If you're using the cable supplied by us to connect the R1 to your hub then the R1 will be receiving those speeds but if the ethernets from R1 to devices aren't capable of those speeds you won't get them.


I wouldn't worry about the VPN page at all. 


Are you applying the settings once IPv6 is turned off? 


Please try the above suggestions and we can go for a 1 on 1 if that doesn't work.



Hi Fraser, yes, all the cables are properly connected and firmly inserted. All the cables I use are either Cat5e or Cat6.


Yes, I'm hitting the apply settings button after changing the IPv6 back and forth.

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