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Guest Netduma_Iain

Thats a bit of a vague questions Belloni :), do you mean when you are host or when you're searching for games?

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Good point, my bad was tired! Basically whenever we're in a game... (Yet to see if i'm the host, but more or less every game regardless of this). I've added them to my allow list etc to no avail. It seems to be a bit more of an issue when there's 3 of us in the party compared to 2.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

The allow list is only there to stop them being blocked by the distance filter. So for example if you had a friend in South Africa you could still play with him even though you're blocking the country.


Its probably best to see who gets host when you're playing next. Its probably one of your friends who has a bad Internet connection. If so you might want to increase your geo-filter to increase the pool.

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