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Starting to be afraid to play AW!!!


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Every time I switch on my console I am a bit scared just in case the game has reverted to the poor connections I had before the R1.

I am aware that some people are still having issues with the connections on this game and I really do not want to gloat or anything like that but for the last week or so the game has played great for me.

I think that the way the router handles my interweb stuff has to be applauded,

Even with the geo filter off last night with two friends, 1 West coast Canada, 1 East coast USA and myself in the UK (we made east coast USA host) the game played great. I mean 80 MS ping to a dedi in New York is not bad but before using the R1 games hosted states side were pretty much unplayable. I mean 2-14 tdm unplayable.

I still have maybe one or two games a night where everything is totally screwy but for the most part the games play great.

I did struggle at first with the R1 but I think there is a learning curve to go through and a transition period to playing with the R1 but I have mine set up now and have not even changed a setting on it for PA or Geo filter range for several days. Not had the awful Germalands Dedi and been laughing too loud till 04.00 hrs gaming.

To put it into context this is the first Call of Duty since Cod4 Modern warfare that I have gone above prestige 5. I have either given up and given it away or simply not played enough to get any higher.

I am currently (just) prestige 7

So thank you Duma team :)

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Every time I switch on my console I am a bit scared just in case the game has reverted to the poor connections I had before the R1.

I am aware that some people are still having issues with the connections on this game and I really do not want to gloat or anything like that but for the last week or so the game has played great for me.

I think that the way the router handles my interweb stuff has to be applauded,

Even with the geo filter off last night with two friends, 1 West coast Canada, 1 East coast USA and myself in the UK (we made east coast USA host) the game played great. I mean 80 MS ping to a dedi in New York is not bad but before using the R1 games hosted states side were pretty much unplayable. I mean 2-14 tdm unplayable.

I still have maybe one or two games a night where everything is totally screwy but for the most part the games play great.

I did struggle at first with the R1 but I think there is a learning curve to go through and a transition period to playing with the R1 but I have mine set up now and have not even changed a setting on it for PA or Geo filter range for several days. Not had the awful Germalands Dedi and been laughing too loud till 04.00 hrs gaming.

To put it into context this is the first Call of Duty since Cod4 Modern warfare that I have gone above prestige 5. I have either given up and given it away or simply not played enough to get any higher.

I am currently (just) prestige 7

So thank you Duma team :)

Same here m8 now i have my settings sorted i enjoy 8-15ms games every time :), btw i just hit 14 prestige, now cant wait for 17 that Goliath is a beast. 

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