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Here's my in game pings. Played AW Ground War

Bandwidth at 120/120. 70/70 Reactive.  Geo at about 900km PA at 20

 I think you have your settings to tight.  When I received my R1, I plugged it up and played about 2 hours of flawless matches. It realistically could not have been better.  So what is the first thought that entered my banana pudding brain?  Tighten up the settings to make it better.  all it did was make it worse.  I have no data to back up the following claim, this is just how I FEEL like match making works.  when you select a game, AW picks 50 matches based on your skill.  Then it tries to connect you to the best connection out of those 50 matches.  if you tighten up the R1 to much, then AW will keep trying to connect you to the same players that match your skill, but instead lower the acceptable connection requirements to join a game, because AW wants you to wait the least amount of time possible to get into a game.  So by making radius to small and PA to low, you will eventually find a match inside your radius, it will just be with the people with the absolute worst connections.  By having your PA set to 20, I really think it is doing absolutely nothing.  If I joined a match and the host pinged @ 20 ms, I would be prepared for possible the worst match of my life simply because that number I feel is unrealistic and something is interfering with the ping test.  If you play on a TV it can add up to 80 ms of ping.  


Also, I'm really going to step off in uncharted territory, but I ASSUME that the last part of your ping test is the trace from Ip to ip from to  so it took the R1 .4 ms to get a signal to your router with ip, then XX ms to get to next ip, and so on and so forth.  If this is correct, then I ASSUME you can take the sum of numbers and that is your ping, yet the numbers don't add up, and at one step you had over 30ms ping from one ip to another.  But like I said, I really know next to nothing about networking.


Also it is my experience that when I have a game where I am getting stuck in doors or not making jumps (the game play feels very "trashy"), it is because I have my CC set to aggressively.  You can replicate this if you like (though it might be harder for you with 120/120 than with me with 30/10).  Turn the geo filter and PA off and set CC to 100%.  play matches till you find that crisp, clean match.  then throttle your CC down aggressively.  almost instantly your clean, crisp match will got to crap instantly (or at least it does for me).  With the signals traveling at the speed of light, the difference between 900km and 1500 km is almost a mute point.  The R1 shines not by reducing a ping from 50ms to 30 ms, instead it shines by reducing a 150 ms ping to 30-50 ms.  The symptoms that your are describing sound like bandwidth throttling.  It sounds like your asking the R1 to do something it's not designed to do (like force P2P hosting when your connection deems you worthy of deid servers).  My best experience with this router have been to find a happy spot (mine is about 1200 km and PA @ 45 ms) and leave it alone.  The only time a mess with it is if it is late @ night and I have to make geo bigger due to not enough players in my area, or when my son forgets to turn off his ipad and falls asleep watching netflix and I have to block him (before R1 I had to go find the ipad and turn it off, so for this feature alone Netduma, you are my hero)


Puppet, I had my ISP out because I had 1 internet diagnostic that was less than exceptional.  Iain suggested that I call my ISP; if you're interested that post is located here:




The short version of the story is that they replaced the node out front and upgraded my router.  They also call me once a week to make sure that everything has settled down.  I have AT&T uverse Gigapower.  My up and down speeds are consistently 800Mbps or higher.  I don't have many users and from what I've been told on this forum, I've got more than enough bandwidth to handle my traffic. 


attachicon.gifUp and Down Speeds.JPG


I've gotten some good insight on how to best manage internal congestion here:



I don't think it's an issue of internal congestion anyway.  But I'm willing to try anything. I've tried many different setting combinations including moving home location, throttling my connection, maximizing connection, and this crazy technique that helped me get P2P hosts instead of dedis(which worked for a couple days, but now I can't get a full lobby).  I have found that  adjusting the congestion sliders from match to match seems to smooth things a little; but that's trial and error every single time.  It feels more like I'm playing the router than I am the game.


Iain, I don't think you're being combative.  As a matter of fact, I think you are and have been more than reasonable with me and everyone else who posts here.  I probably would have taken this thread down if I were you...


I get that lag is subjective, but the lag I experience seems unrelated to ping.  I'm not just talking about bad deaths or hit detection or bullet registration.  I'm talking about not knowing where I actually am on the map.  I'm missing jumps; getting stuck on doorways and stairs...my timing is so completely off. Every time I think I've got my settings dialed in, everything reverts to awful the next day. (I have an el gato, I could put some videos together to show what I'm talking about; but I'm not sure that would solve the problem or help to diagnose it. I can't capture both the game play and the ping graph at the same time; so, how would that be any different than what I'm explaining here?)


The issue has to be the game (yes, it's AW). But I want to play the current title. That's where the majority of the players are playing. The truth is that I was so fed up that I put the game down before Christmas because the lag was so bad. Then I heard about the NetDuma from SimJC on youtube.  I replaced my Asus 900 (Tomato firmware) with the R1 and hoped for the best.


If any of this is useful in providing a recommendation, I'm interested in your feedback.

If you are on XBOX one you can hook computer to HDMI in on XBOX, then when in the match you can snap to T.V. and 3/4 of screen will be game play and 1/4 will be what ever is on your computer screen.  


Just my thoughts and I sincerely hope you get everything worked out.

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Thanks fellas. I'll look into your ideas.


Also, you guys have mentioned TV lag a couple times. I said I don't have input lag and that's what I meant. I play on the Samsung S27a550 monitor. I Don't have the tools to test personally, but I've read reviews that it tests consistently at 5ms or better (as low as 2ms).

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Also beware of controller-wifi interference, make sure the console and the router are not right next to each other.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Sure Cowboy, I'm just saying based on those ping graphs your network connection is pretty much optimum. So I was just suggesting other common sources of latency. A router or any device for that matter won't be able to get you pings much lower than 20ms on the Internet. 

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