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Cant get on netduma site

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Hi I played one game of black ops 2 then it wouldn't let me on xbox live anymore I went into miscellaneous settings and I clicked on reset options to factory default now I cannot even get on the net Dumez website to try to change anything

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If you did a factory reset (not advised) then your password has changed to 'netdumar1' (without quotes).  You can find this in Settings (Under Wifi I think).


That should get you back to the Duma's GUI - Let's see if that works and we can work on the lobby issue.

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Ok thanks a lot. I am able to get in now with the new password. I was able to play bo2 yesterday but now again I'm not able to connect to Xbox live


The Duma won't interfere with Xbox Live directly, this sounds like a problem on the XBL side.


Can you access websites through the console?

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