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Nuke Symbols Out Of Range

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Hi Everyone.


Does anyone knows why if i set the ping assist value to 70 ms, nuke symbols appear on the map even if their ping is higher than the one i set?


I attach you some images. 



Ping Assist: 70 ms

Nuke symbol in Ohio, Michigan and indiana. I ping to them >100 ms





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I'm unclear on the question, so I just want to confirm.  The Ping Assist is to get into games, including those OUTSIDE of the Geo Filter, but are LESS THAN the number you provide in the Ping Assist bar.


In this example, any host of less than 70ms would be fair game for you.


The nuke symbols are other dedicated servers for the game that are 1) Outside of your Geo Filter and 2) Have a base ping higher than your agreed upon 70ms.


Does that help?

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I'm unclear on the question, so I just want to confirm.  The Ping Assist is to get into games, including those OUTSIDE of the Geo Filter, but are LESS THAN the number you provide in the Ping Assist bar.


In this example, any host of less than 70ms would be fair game for you.


The nuke symbols are other dedicated servers for the game that are 1) Outside of your Geo Filter and 2) Have a base ping higher than your agreed upon 70ms.


Does that help?

Thanks Dillinger.


"The nuke symbols are other dedicated servers for the game that are 1) Outside of your Geo Filter and 2) Have a base ping higher than your agreed upon 70ms"


I´m just confused. I Thought the nuke symbols were dedis outside my filter and have a base ping lower than 70 ms.



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Huh.  I haven't tested it, but if they were outside of the Geo Filter, I assumed that was the symbol used.  I don't personally use the Ping Assist, I keep mine at "0" and stay strictly in my Geo Filtered range.  


Perhaps the Ping Assist is a secondary indicator?  If the dedicated box you connected to in Florida has a LOWER ping than the others (assuming they are less than 70ms as indicated in the graphic you pasted) maybe the Geo Filter has the primary connection and you connect there first?  I honestly don't know, just speculation looking for an answer.....Hmmmm


It's about midnight over in the UK where the Netduma folks are, let's wait until Fraser or one of the Admins stop by and confirm.


Quick test for you though, what happens if you increase your Ping Assist to 100?  Do you connect to any of those boxes then?  If so, there is your answer.   :)


EDIT:  Or you could shrink your Geo Filter outside of Florida, so you can't connect to the Florida dedi, and see where it connects you with the Ping Assist number at 70

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As said by Dillinger Ping Assist locates servers outside your radius under your ping limit. With that being said, if they are higher than what your limit is, it is very likely when it initially pinged those servers it was around your limit but then saw it pinged higher and didn't connect.

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