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Worse lag comp than COD???


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On a side note I've noticed the character movements not working properly in BO3 as well, ie enemy shoots you but never looks at you. It would be really nice if the HYPE train would center around how great the connections and compensation mechanics are going to be on the next title instead of some half ass remake maps that require very little actual work on developers part. <_<  

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Except the "hype" train is by underage kids who don't play the game competitively and don't give a darn about the net code, or the game engine, or the look mechanics. 90% of the Call of Duty userbase are casual gamers. Sure, they might experience some bologna every now and then but not enough to kick them off there horse and figure out what the actual problem is. Heck, even the players who play tournaments, gamebattles, arena. People who are genuinely more competitive. Do not care / bother looking up netcode/game engine mechanics. They assume the game just "lagged" or the other person was better or make up some excuse as to what happened. They don't bother looking into the REAL problem behind the game.


If the game engine is going to be fixed (Anyone remember Black Ops 2 Broken Camera Glitch aka Offline/Lan Lag Compensation) it's going to take either a Professional gamer, Faze, Optic, Complexity. Or a big named YouTuber, Nadeshot, TMartin, to speak out on the issue. It'll take more than a handful of 10,000-20,000 people talking about it to get anything done. Try 100,000-200,000+. The userbase of a YouTuber/Professional gamer is the only way these problems will get fixed. 


But they won't. These people makes THOUSANDS of dollars from this video game. Have you seen Nadeshots net worth? They're not going to go and complain about a game and focus on lag and all of that because they get paid to play it. As soon as the issue goes viral and everyone stops playing the game they lose money. They'll take take the L, the little bit of money from playing in the tournament+twitch dollars and laugh all the way to the bank.


Plus, Call of Duty gets released EVERY FREAKING YEAR. If they complained about it now, it wouldn't get fixed for 5+ years or Activision/SledgeHammer/TreyArch would forget about it and sweep it under the rug.


It just simply won't ever happen, but you know from a competitive players perspective I wish it would. I wish everyone had the same level playing field and lag compensation/network manipulation didn't decide the factor of the game. I wish it played as smooth as CSGO. Where lag is lag, pings are pings, and you don't see someone 3/10 of a second before they see you because of a super laggy game engine.

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On a side note I've noticed the character movements not working properly in BO3 as well, ie enemy shoots you but never looks at you. It would be really nice if the HYPE train would center around how great the connections and compensation mechanics are going to be on the next title instead of some half ass remake maps that require very little actual work on developers part. <_<  


This is always an issue in BO-Engine games versus IW.


There are no custom sniper animations e.g. It's the default AR load animation, so you can be shot by a sniper while on your end it looks like they are reloading. The animations are also not synced e.g. That reload animation for the AR is just slowed down when the person is using a sniper, so this is *why* you are shot when they are reloading because in reality, on their end, they have already reloaded and are firing. Grrr...


Also, Trenth is 100% correct in that this is never going to change until somebody with enough exposure and following speaks out against it, but that won't happen because there is too much money involved.

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I wish netcode was as simple as these Youtube clowns make it out to be.





Also, Trenth is 100% correct in that this is never going to change until somebody with enough exposure and following speaks out against it, but that won't happen because there is too much money involved.



The only person who has that kind of pull and could have ANY influence on anyone that matters is the father of the engines. Carmack. And he has no interest.

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The only person who has that kind of pull and could have ANY influence on anyone that matters is the father of the engines. Carmack. And he has no interest.


I can't speak for everybody, but I believe the sentiment is not wanting Carmack to recode the ancient Quake III engine CoD is based off, of.


It's the fact Activision and the CoD devs don't want to spend any money, or invest time in more recent technology e.g. Unreal, IDTech (Doom reboots), etc. Yes, online gaming will always have WTF? moments, but when a game like CSGO and BF4 performs 95% better according to the laws of physics e.g. a player with low ping will beat a player with high ping, then there is no excuse at this point other than greed.

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