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Quick question on location pointer/Throttle Service

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I had a chance to look at the advance WIKI you have online this weekend and saw that if you live near the water to move your location icon more inland. I thought you needed it to be where you live. (I live in Boston, ma). Most of the circle was out to sea, nothing out there - lol. I guess even though the pointer is not in ma, the circle covers ma. I move the icon more inland away from the water and set 1000 miles and 30ms ping to cover more states more servers and it has been playing a lot better for me. I believe this might of been the trick for me. I still want to experiment. I notice I was being put in Florida, Chicago and other servers farther away than I would expect, but played a lot lot better. The NY/NJ severs suck big time for me. The only other thing I wanted to say is when I first start the game, I can go ham but then it seems like my connection hit detection starts to be inconsistent (ex buffer-bloat). I have 75 up and down running reactive. I believe over 60 is reactive. Question... Can I throttle my connection down since I have enough bandwidth and use pre instead of reactive (I might have this backwards)? I think this might help but I don't understand how it works. thanks for all your hard work and helping me out. Its given me hope again to play on my PS4.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Hi Ortiz,


Glad you're having a good time. It's cool your using the advanced feature now.


So in general the further away the higher the ping. But remember the internet travels near the speed of light. So 1000km is not that a big deal.


Another problem is if the person you're connecting to is a bad host. That's why the allow and deny feature works.


On to congestion control you should use the reactive algorithm then throttle it( I recommend 70% or so) so other people don't impact your ping

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Where should I set my location? I live on the east coast, maryland to be exact. But there is only two dedicated server that feeds the whole east coast which causes overload almost majority of America's population is on the east cost and I believe I won't have a great connection. So where should I place my location for optimum gaming experience?

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When I game usually no one is online using the internet. So I leave it at 100%. When someone is home I put the value to about 75% but I can try 70%. I used the bad host selection for bad people or servers I connect too. I just found it weird that when I first get into a lobby my detection is excellent then it starts to deteriorate almost like my packets are not registering. I still get big game plays but the the game doesn't feel the same as when I first start and this happens in a lot of connection even with 30 to 50ms pings. Just trying to figure it out That I'm overlooking a setup problem on my end that can be resolved quickly. I also have excellent with no ping lost on the ping test. I also use the ping assist. Iain.. Question so the 70% only impacts me at home for my users or in game from people connecting to the game?

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Ya congestion control will only benefit congestion situations. Remember devices can download on their own without user input eg auto upgraded, status checks or even viruses.


The game getting worse consistently as you progress doesn't really make sense to me as a network engineer.

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