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I can't connect to my Net Duma

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  • Netduma Staff

On Google Chrome, the headings are: "check your internet connection "......"allow chrome to access the network in your firewall or antivirus settings"........"if you use proxy server..."


Can you make sure that your computer hasn't been added to the GeoFilter. If it isn't, then can you try rebooting the Netduma and your modem :)

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Do you have congestion set on your device(s)?
If so , have you allocated a sufficient enough amount of bandwidth towards your device?
Also , do you have any other browser you can check the internet with?

Internet explorer , firefox , spartan etc

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  • Netduma Staff

Windows troubleshooting says "the connection between your access point, router, or cable modem and the internet is broken"....but I have checked all of that and it seems fine


Can you access your other router's dashboard when connected to the Netduma?

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  • Netduma Staff

(This thread was closed but I've re-opened it because the OP PMd me saying he was having the same problem).


What was tried in chat:

  • Restarts of modem and Netduma (30 seconds intervals between connecting each one).
  • There was a WAN IP in device manager.
  • He could access Duma interface.
  • He couldn't access other router's interface when when connected to the Netduma (even when he had a WAN IP).
  • When he connects his PC to the modem, he gets internet straight away.
  • Tried settings static IP in Settings >> WAN (when he wasn't getting a WAN IP in device manager) - that didn't work either.
  • He upgraded to then latest version then it worked, but I got a PM saying that he was having the same problem  again where he couldn't access then internet.
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