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Can't party up!

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Hello everyone! First off, I just wanted to say that I love the router so far. Really up'ed my game since I've had it. So I know there are probably lots of topics on this already and I've read as many as I could find about it and it's still not resolved for me. When playing Black Ops 3 by myself everything is great! But every time I try to party up with my friends online I run into "This lobby is not joinable" error. The crazy thing is that once in a blue moon it will let me join someone but that has only happened twice. I didn't do anything to make this happen though. Even when I join a party chat, no one can hear me and I can't hear them... Very frustrating... 


So starting off my NAT type is showing Moderate. After researching the forum I have, disabled the geo and even set the range to max just in case and then powered PS4 off and back on. I have tried opening the ports with 3074 and 3075 both separately, rebooting the router, giving it 5 minutes and turning on the PS4... Still Moderate NAT. I have tried putting them on the whitelist (to be honest, not a 100% if I'm doing that right).


At this point, I have no idea what else to do but to get another router just to play with my friends when I want to.


Thanks for the help in advance. :)  

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  • Netduma Staff

I'm not running another router with it. I had a netgear nighthawk, which was my router before that I was going to use with it but I was told not to; to just use the netduma... Was that wrong?


No, that's ok if you're running it like that :)


Have you got all port forwarding disabled on the Netduma and UPnP enabled in Settings >> UPnP?

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I am also running into this issue, I do not understand what I am doing wrong I have followed all the steps as directed by the @support Netduma/wiki and still no luck. I switched over to my nighthawk (netgear) no problems finding matches , connecting to party chat with friends, download games, using multiple devices on the same router/network. Do I have a defective software/router?

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  • Netduma Staff

I am also running into this issue, I do not understand what I am doing wrong I have followed all the steps as directed by the @support Netduma/wiki and still no luck. I switched over to my nighthawk (netgear) no problems finding matches , connecting to party chat with friends, download games, using multiple devices on the same router/network. Do I have a defective software/router?


Could you make your own thread please :)

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Thanks for the replies. I've worked with a lot of different forums before and this community is great. 


So, I have disabled the geo before starting Black Ops 3 as stated earlier. But keeping it 100% I'm not entirely sure how the block list works yet. Or even what all the dots means for that matter. I can follow a legend lol but I have random dots pop up even when I'm not playing and some are not on the legend. As far as the block list I'm assuming that that you just click on the dot that you are wanting and then drag the red (or green) over to block (or allow)... Please know that I haven't had this router for long so I'm still learning but again, I appreciate all the support.


Question: When you factory reset the router does the password automatically change to something different or does it go back to the original password the router came with?

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  • Netduma Staff

Thanks for the replies. I've worked with a lot of different forums before and this community is great. 


So, I have disabled the geo before starting Black Ops 3 as stated earlier. But keeping it 100% I'm not entirely sure how the block list works yet. Or even what all the dots means for that matter. I can follow a legend lol but I have random dots pop up even when I'm not playing and some are not on the legend. As far as the block list I'm assuming that that you just click on the dot that you are wanting and then drag the red (or green) over to block (or allow)... Please know that I haven't had this router for long so I'm still learning but again, I appreciate all the support.


Question: When you factory reset the router does the password automatically change to something different or does it go back to the original password the router came with?



An updated list of the symbols can be found here.


Yes, that's how allow/deny works :)


The wifi password changes to 'netdumar1' on a factory reset.

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All port forwarding is disabled and UPnP is enabled. still no go... :( 


Any other ideas that could get me connected to my friends?


PS I've never messed with the allow/deny list and I see that "sparkly circle" symbol all the time. Which means I would of had to allow them correct?

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