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How to join parties in blops 3?

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Everytime I join a party I am stuck on a screen with a loading icon, I can hear the party members joining leaving looking for games etc. today I was able to get into a game, the next game I got booted. I've tried geofilter on and off and 100%ing everyone but I'm not even the leader in these parties. Is there a guide or something on how to play in parties with the netduma?

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I thought strict nat can connect only to open nat, which I have.


When you say add friends to allow do you mean finding them on the map and rating them like you would a host?

Yes,just send a private match invite to one of your friends at a time and once your in the click on their circle and give them a 100 percent rating.


I say do it one at a time because if your trying to add 20 friends all over the country it will become a pain in the ass.

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