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Weird location issue in blops3

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I live in California, the call of duty servers seem to think I live in St. Louis Missouri, or someplace called hallsville, Texas. Sometimes my games will only go into that region, other times their near me. My home location on the netduma is where I am. If it's connecting me to the games I talk about and I try to move my range out of that area I either can't find games or it comes up as an outside range host and still puts me in them. Activision said its my isp, my isp said its not them because any other program I use location services shows my real location. Is this maybe vpn related or something the netduma is doing? The vpn on the netduma was on I turned it off rebooted it and still got the same thing, I dunno what's up..


Edit: I fixed this by resetting up my ps4s internet connection. I can play with people near me, when I trace the server though it goes back across the states to the places I mentioned and back to the server. There isn't Even a player in that area, there all near me.

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