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Some questions about the Netduma R1

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Hi, I'm living in Reunion Island and I'm very interested in the netduma R1. My main use will be Black Ops 3 on PS4 and I have a few questions about the router before buying it. Since the release of the game BO3, almost all the local match (in Reunion Island) are unplayable, the ping keeps rising to 400 ms every 5 seconds if not every seconds, and I suspect that the game is using quite a lot of bandwidth compare to others Call of Duty. For example, even with my connection (830 kbps up and 12 Mbps down) when I'm the host (quite a lot of times actually) I make every other players lag, their ping are not consistant, and of course my PS4 is connected via the cable LAN to the router and no one else is using the bandwidth. On Advanced Warfare we barely had ping problems, the game was smooth, but on BO3 it's something else.. And since almost 90% of the local population has a bandwidth under 1 Mbps up, so most of the games are laggy and not playable.

So the reason why I want to buy a Netduma R1 router is to play with the people living in France. Even if I have an average ping of 200-220 ms it's still playable, I don't really mind, and I suppose the dedicated server in Paris , won't make me lag. So my questions are :
- When I will set the GeoFilter in France, Paris more precisely, with my ping of 200-220 ms, will I still be able to find lobbies, or the game won’t let me connect to those french lobbies because my ping is too high ?
- Does the geographical location that BO3 has gave me (Saint-Denis, Reunion Island) won't interfere with the search of lobbies in France ?
Is there really one dedicated server in Paris for PS4 ?

I'm sorry if my english is not very good since it's not my native language and I hope you will understand :)

Thanks in advance !

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First, from my knowledge black ops 3 doesn't use that much bandwidth while playing on ps4.... I'm in the united states so I can't comment on how servers are over there. But I'm pretty sure the game tries to connect you to the closest server possible. For example on AW I would connect to any server or host cause that game didn't care. On BO3 I notice I only connect to a few locations and most of them are right on top of me (like I ping less than 20ms to the server)


So as for setting your location in Paris, it depends on the game. If that is one of the servers you're picking up then you can most definitely limit your router to connect to it. If the game doesn't even bother to search for a server in that location, there is no way to connect to it. I can't set my router to connect to a server in California, because the ping is so high it won't even search there for a game since I'm on the east coast.


Now you could do some trickery to move your location but that depends on your ISP... I know here by changing my mac address on my router it changes my wan IP and if I get lucky I can move my location around.

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BO3 doesn't use that much of bandwidth, I agree, but I'm pretty sure it's using like minimum 1 Mbps. For example when I'm the host with my 840 kbps up, when there is under 8 people in the match, there is no problem, the players won't lag at all, but as soon as a 9th person connects, it begins to lag for everyone every seconds which I suppose means that my connection is saturated.


That is the problem, I don't know if I will be able to reach the french hosts/servers and so if the Netduma would be useful for me. Sometimes, not very often, I don't know why but it puts me into french lobbies so I get 2 bars with an average ping of 230-250 ms. My location in BO3 is also moving from Reunion to France, it happens from time to time maybe because the game can't make the difference between the french IPs.

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Hi Lorenzo, 


I think your upload should be just about enough to play the game. You'll need to use the congestion control on the Netduma to make sure people you live with or other devices are not making you lag.


I think there is a server in France, if not there is one in netherlands or very nearby. We have actually sold quite a few routers to Reunion surprisingly. I haven't heard any issues from them so I think they're enjoying it. In fact I think one guy posted here many months a go to do the exact same thing and play with French region.



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Hi Lorenzo, 


I think your upload should be just about enough to play the game. You'll need to use the congestion control on the Netduma to make sure people you live with or other devices are not making you lag.


I think there is a server in France, if not there is one in netherlands or very nearby. We have actually sold quite a few routers to Reunion surprisingly. I haven't heard any issues from them so I think they're enjoying it. In fact I think one guy posted here many months a go to do the exact same thing and play with French region.




Hi Iain !


I'm the only one that uses the connection when hosting a match or simply playing so I don't really need the congestion control but it's a great feature ! :)


I think you are talking about that topic : http://forum.netduma.com/topic/2085-cant-find-multiplayer-games/?hl=reunion


The thing is glaglaman was playing on destiny so it's a little bit different for the search of lobbies right ? :)

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Oh I see, yes MM will be different for CoD.


Don't worry there are servers all over EU for CoD games. I think either NL, Ireland and sometimes France. But far more often NL, Ireland. You can also get P2P games as well.


If you get the router, you can simply click the home button. Then move your home to France and start the game. 


Happy Christmas! 

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Oh I see, yes MM will be different for CoD.


Don't worry there are servers all over EU for CoD games. I think either NL, Ireland and sometimes France. But far more often NL, Ireland. You can also get P2P games as well.


If you get the router, you can simply click the home button. Then move your home to France and start the game. 


Happy Christmas! 

I made some research, yes there are dedicated servers in EU for PS4 but my question is will the game let me access to them ? since they are pretty far away from me and as I Am MoD BoX said earlier, he can't connect to servers too far away from where he lives (USA).


Happy Christmas by the way :)

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Fraser & I have had no issue "server shopping". Just make sure your home is there when the game starts up. 


So according to you, no matter what server I want to play on (Australian, USA or EU dedicated servers), from where I live I will still find lobbies ? The distance between me and the servers and also the ping (200-400 ms depending the dedicated server I choose) doesn't affect the matchmaking ?


If it doesn't I will right away order a Netduma :)


I will later post a video of my experience so far on BO3, you will see why I really want to play on dedicated servers even if I have 200 ms of ping :)

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Fraser & I have managed to do it with US hosts very easily. The key is to move your home before the game starts. I'm pretty confident it does, and if it doesn't it would be good to know.

So if you like make the order and if you can't get games from EU servers e.g. Netherlands, Germany, France, Ireland area. Then just email [email protected] with a link to this thread we will give you refund and pay for packaging on the way back.



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Fraser & I have managed to do it with US hosts very easily. The key is to move your home before the game starts. I'm pretty confident it does, and if it doesn't it would be good to know.

So if you like make the order and if you can't get games from EU servers e.g. Netherlands, Germany, France, Ireland area. Then just email [email protected] with a link to this thread we will give you refund and pay for packaging on the way back.




That is awesome man ! Thank you very much, I will order one this weekend :)

When I will receive it and if I have a problem to get games from EU servers, I will have to contact Fraser first right ?

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This is what it’s like to play Black ops 3 on PS4 in Reunion Island every single day... Not only there is not many lobbies available, but also almost all the hosts are not stable at all.

The Netduma might help me to get more stable lobbies in Europe  :)

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That is awesome man ! Thank you very much, I will order one this weekend :)

When I will receive it and if I have a problem to get games from EU servers, I will have to contact Fraser first right ?


Sure, try get some help here first by starting a thread. If we can't solve it then ask Fraser for how to get refund number with a link to this thread.


Happy Christmas mate!


PS that looks really bad, with the R1 features I'm sure we can get a big improvement even all the way in Reunion :)

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Sure, try get some help here first by starting a thread. If we can't solve it then ask Fraser for how to get refund number with a link to this thread.


Happy Christmas mate!


PS that looks really bad, with the R1 features I'm sure we can get a big improvement even all the way in Reunion :)

Alright !


Thanks ! Happy Christmas to you too :)


I hope so :)

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