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Well Over 9,000 Score AW gameplay! And some sbmm talk


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I mostly play hardcore search and when the connection is good I'd say I win 70-80% of the games I play. The argument that SBMM is a bad thing is a poor excuse. I was consistently going 20-2 in games back to back to back without a challenge. If it is such a bad thing then why do I always get the idiots on my team who go 2-11 camping in a corner and shooting the walls and I'm carrying my whole team? If it really was that strict then we would all have very good and competitive games, not teams full of people who never played cod before versus pro pubstompers....


The problem with the game is that it does not search based on ping, like cod from MW2 and previous titles. On MW2 when you search for a game it will say "searching for games <40ms" then 50ms, 60ms, and so on until it puts you into a game. THAT is how you search for a game, not throwing someone from NJ into a server in Alaska because it was the first game you found available with 200 ms ping and a team of red bars. I'll wait 30 seconds for a low ping search and have an enjoyable experience every time.


P.S. Those enjoyable experiences have dwindled away the past two or three weeks :(

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There isn't sbmm in gamemodes with low population, like the hardcore playlists


~500,000 players on xbox one for hardcore search isn't low population. Quite often I find games there faster than any other game types.

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