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speed test with netduma

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why is it that i get a better speed test with my regular router than the netduma router i did a text with both router hook up. when my net duma router is hooked I'm not able too upload anything i have to switch back too my regular router setting i thought this router suppose too increase ur speed not decrease i basically have no upload speed on the netduma router .006 one of the test i did it said .00 upload what is going on with this router I'm sorry don't mean too complain on Thanksgiving but I've been having nothing but problems with this router and nothing but laggy game after i did that up date a week ago I'm just frustrated at this point. My ps4 speed test same thing speeds are way lower on the netduma router

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Make sure under congestion control in set bandwidth you have the correct speeds entered.  

Select Reactive as well.  

Under device prioritization click reset distribution and update distribution.

Under settings Portforwarding/Upnp:  I would disable/remove any portforwarding rules and only use upnp.

Unders settings LAN:Change LAN DNS to , Disable IPv6, Enable auto MTU, 

Under settings WAN: Disable IPv6, enable auto MTU

Under settings Miscellaneous: Unselect deep packet processing, link-local IPv6, turbo mode, super turbo if enabled

Reboot router and try speed test again

Let us know if it helps.  

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