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  • Netduma Staff

Can you check to make sure your other devices are definitely connected to the Netduma and that they have't connected to your old routers Wifi or something like that. If they are can you reboot the Netduma and see if they appear. Do any 'nameless' devices appear?

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  • Netduma Staff

They r definitely connected..all show in dhcp lease..there r a lot of unknown devices but that was the case on my old router


The unknown devices are probably then Xbox and other devices. If you go to device manager and click edit at the top you can change the names of the unnamed devices to their actual names. You can match them up by using the IP Address that is shown.

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  • Netduma Staff

They are not showing in device manager just my wireless laptop.i can only see all my connected devices by looking at dhcp lease


Oh, I see what you mean. Can you make sure that you are using Google Chrome to access the interface :)

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  • Netduma Staff

Ok..not using chrome..just tried on my phone and they r showing..will download chrome and try..thx for your help im sure this wont be my last post


No worries :) Post back with how you get on and if you need any more help.

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