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Cod ghosts screen lag

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Has anyone noticed the screen lag , it hard to explain its like the screen goes into blur for a couple of seconds then returns to normal , it dosnt really effect me as my hit markers are on point and melting people at them moment :lol: love the duma :wub:  just would be nice to know whats causing it. 




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Has anyone noticed the screen lag , it hard to explain its like the screen goes into blur for a couple of seconds then returns to normal , it dosnt really effect me as my hit markers are on point and melting people at them moment :lol: love the duma :wub:  just would be nice to know whats causing it. 




if its on PS4, the screen lag your noticing is a frame rate issue thats plagued the game since day one. Its there on xb1 but no where near as bad. It can get pretty nasty sometimes. Especially on certain maps. Im almost positive it has nothing to do with internet connections. Hope that shines some light on the subject for you.
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