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geopanel GUI - retain viewing preferences

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Just a suggestion for the GUI host filtering geopanel (note: on version .7)


Each time I open the geopanel, I have to repeat the following.


1) uncheck kilometers to get miles

2) set zoom factor to 5

3) then zoom into my area of the map.


It would be much more user friendly if those viewing preferences would be retained.  So, each time I open it, miles are set, and I am already zoomed in.

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Guest Netduma Fraser

I notice everything changes when going from host filtering to settings, or any other tab with in the router page :(


Are your devices still present in Select Games/Services?

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Are your devices still present in Select Games/Services?

Yeah, i just have my ps4 but it is always present.  Is the geofilter page not supposed to change when navigating different tabs within? 

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Hi JMan at the moment we only save settings that make a functional difference. So for example the distance and strict mode will make a functional difference to what the Duma does.


Other settings are purely but we will make them persist soon.

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