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IPTV issue when plugged to netduma

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first of all , sorry for my poor english ....i'm french ;)


I got my R1 yesterday & updated it to version 1.02.6. Here attached my finalized installation 




All systems are working properly (tested the PS4 with my "new" connection , it's amazing! ( i'm now a PGM on Advanced warfare :P )


 I have just un issue with my TV  (IPTV by ADSL )

 I have the internet signal at the DLAN  outlet (tested with cable wired to my laptop ). but it seems i didn't receive the TV flow (signal). Main TV menu is displayed but channels don't work....


For information:


- i had to put my R1 in DMZ to get open NAT on my PS4, this is the only setting i did on my installation

- When my IPTV box is plugged  on my ISP ethernet port , my TV is working properly.


Did i miss something to set in the router ?



.Thank you in advance for the interest you'll have to my topic.





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Guest Netduma_Iain

Hi Vincho,


Thanks for purchasing, glad you're enjoying the router :) 


I recommend plugging iptv into the other router. Its probably designed to only work with the other router.

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thks for you prompt reply,


this is indeed  what i've read on the manufacturer forum ... :(


so , i can't control the bandwidth allowed to the ISP through the Duma.... 


too bad ;)



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Guest Netduma_Iain

Erm yeah I'm not sure, the ISP probably has dedicated space for the TV you know. So not such a big deal I don't think. 

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