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3 letter search terms

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Hi guys,  would it be possible to include 3 letter search terms on the forum instead of the minimum 4.  Some searches I have tried have been disallowed but they are kinda relevant such as DNS, SKY, MER so I'm having to trawl through posts for info.


Is it set to 4 to stop the server getting hammered?

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I would like this too please @netduma_adam


Its not a board setting its a mysql limitation in fulltext searching, the default is 4 and i'm not comfortable tinkering with the mysql as it will screw up functionality.

It might be possible with a hook but not sure, 3 word search is an issue with most forums

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Its not a board setting its a mysql limitation in fulltext searching, the default is 4 and i'm not comfortable tinkering with the mysql as it will screw up functionality.

It might be possible with a hook but not sure, 3 word search is an issue with most forums


Wouldn't this work?


Windows under C:\Windows\my.ini and Linux under /etc/my.cnf Edit the file and add





Then restart the server and rebuild FULLTEXT indexes.

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Wouldn't this work?


Windows under C:\Windows\my.ini and Linux under /etc/my.cnf Edit the file and add





Then restart the server and rebuild FULLTEXT indexes.


As i explained I really don't want to tinker with all the mysql stuff and def dont want to be rebuilding indexes and then having to go into the forum software and fix everything that change will then cause as a knock on effect..


I wish it was a simple fix/setting change but its really not 

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As i explained I really don't want to tinker with all the mysql stuff and def dont want to be rebuilding indexes and then having to go into the forum software and fix everything that change will then cause as a knock on effect..


I wish it was a simple fix/setting change but its really not 


OK fair enough


Thanks anyway


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