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Geo Filter Advanced

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Just wondering what changing the port for a service does on the geo filter. The geo filter wasnt working right yesterday (kept matching me with hosts outside of filter range). So i changed the default tcp 80 to udp 3074 and I had some good games. Just want to confirm whether my findings are well founded or just a placebo effect.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

We're looking into that but I'd suggest you stick with xbl or psn. If that bubbles fall outside your geo-filter please restart the router.

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I tried restarting the router first as should always be the case when troubleshooting. However, the same problem persisted. If the changing the port method is way off please tell me, I swear you won't hurt my feelings :)

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Guest Netduma_Iain

haha its not way off, its just we do a few things more complicated than that so it should work better. Are you testing the beta version by any chance? 

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Right rebooting the router should definitely fix it. Can you try and see please?

I actually think I fixed it, but it wasn't rebooting. I just selected a different device to clear the setting for PS4, and then reapplied the PS4 service. My theory as to why this worked was that I hit advanced and done. I think doing that messed something up. I think it's sorted now. I'm going to play a few games now. If you don't hear back you'll know it's working.

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I actually think I fixed it, but it wasn't rebooting. I just selected a different device to clear the setting for PS4, and then reapplied the PS4 service. My theory as to why this worked was that I hit advanced and done. I think doing that messed something up. I think it's sorted now. I'm going to play a few games now. If you don't hear back you'll know it's working.

I'm back and frustrated :( The geo-filter seems like it's not working again. It's sending me into CTF games (which aren't very populated) very fast when setting the range to the minimum 111km. In addition, the none of the circles are expanding to show which is the host.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Oh I see thats because your on .6. If you'd like admin mode to see them I'll give it to you but I'd recommend you wait till .7 comes out very soon

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Also please please make sure you have "strict mode" enabled.

I can wait until the next release, thank you though. And, I do have strict mode enabled. I'm just stumped right now as to why I'm having such inconsistency. One game I drop a 50 bomb, and I'm like go Duma! The next I'm fighting to go positive. Rinse, repeat -__-  This is in the same lobby with the same players mind you. As you can probably imagine, this induces the type of rage that gets people sent off to the psych ward ;) But seriously though.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Ok mate sounds like you're on a stinky host by bad luck but since you can't see you can't do anything about it(i.e. deny it). If you don't mind waiting a couple of days it will be sorted very soon.

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Ok mate sounds like you're on a stinky host by bad luck but since you can't see you can't do anything about it(i.e. deny it). If you don't mind waiting a couple of days it will be sorted very soon.

I forgot to ask. Does DPI need to be enabled to use geo-filter?

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Hi GamerGuy,


What problem did it solve?


Admin mode is people who want to help improve their region by reporting info to us :)

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