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DHCP range

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I got my router last night, and I have to say it's a truly awesome product. The Geo filter is perfect.


I have a setup where I had hoped to have modem->r1(wifi off)->tp link (with dhcp off).


I have connected them via Ethernet (just to be clear using LAN ports and not the WAN).


I have previously set this up where I'd assign a LAN IP on the second router outside the DCHP range of the first router to avoid the small change of a conflict.


However, I could only pick an IP within that of the DCHP of the netuma. I settled for whereas when I tried, my to link told me this wasn't a valid IP.


I have two questions.

1. Is it not possible to manually set an IP address outside the range defined by the DHCP?

2. If not, should I reserve an IP address on the Netuma for the second router?



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Ah, so IP addresses are actually (IPv4) 4 sets of octets (1-255)


So your ip range is, so 300 is out of range because of that. IE not a valid IP address, due to IPv4 specification.


Dhcp should be so I would recommend making the second router

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