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iMAC Compatibility...

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I am just getting ready to order my "duma" and wanted to make sure there are no issues with iMAC and Airport Express compatability.

I am in Canada and have "Rogers" as my ISP with 100mbs I use there supplied modem as my wifi. Can I connect my Netduma and have the Airport Express connected to it - I would disable the wifi on it and only use the Time Capsule for my backup.

I would appreciate any thoghts and suggestions on getting this set up correctly. I do seem to have a lot of trouble getting an "OPEN" Nat anytime I make a change.




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  • Netduma Staff

Welcome to the forum Dark :)


That should work fine. You could actually have the Wifi on the airport but have it in bridgemode.


It should be very easy to get an open nat on the router. There are instructions on the Wiki for that :)

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