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Another SMALL bug

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Thanks for letting me know Seb. This is already on the list, we will try save the options per browser. So different people at the home can have different settings. I'm not sure if it will be ready for first patch but will try.

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if you don't support (IE7), then you can use `localStorage`.


Otherwise, you have to use cookies.


Cookies Legality:

You have to be `Cookie Law` Compliant...however, since the hosting is done technically by the user, they have to be cookie law compliant with themselves...Yup...that's circular logic for you.

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  'Netduma_Iain said:

Great' date=' I'll look into localstorage that sounds ideal. I'd rather avoid the cookie thing if I can.



  'website said:

Instead of the sessionStorage object of the window' date=' we use the localStorage object. All the methods of localStorage are the same as sessionStorage.


we set items with setItem

we get items with getItem

Because items on the localStorage will persist forever, we may want to delete them. We can do this with localStorage.removeItem(key), using the key for the item we want to remove.


If we want to delete the entire localStorage, we can use localStorage.clear(). But, be warned, anything your app has saved to localStorage for this user is gone for good.[/quote']


There is an IE7 localstorage =http://www.jstorage.info/ but, really i'd just stick with window.localStorage

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