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Community User Test ALL PLEASE HELP


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-Ps4 connected to internet

-Filter set to ON for ps4

-Select Auto Ping Off

-Map set to largest viewable area



Dear ps4 players,

Can you please open your filter expand your map to the largest size please and run a network/speedtest within the PS4 settings/network/test internet connection?

While the test is running please pay close attention to your geofilter map and you should see the PSN auth/test server populate and possibly a player icon.  If you see a player Icon try and click it as if you were ID'ing a server/player to allow or deny and see if it is yourself.   Please post your results here.  Please do not post you IP and/or ID.  Just let me know if you ID'd and appear on the map and if it is in the correct location; country/state, distance correction etc. I am only trying to narrow down if and how many of us can see ourselves on the map when a speedtest is ran from the ps4 settings menu. Also let me know what model router you're using please with firmware version as well.  


Thank you!


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