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XR500 & Xbox One X

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Hi Everyone,


I have a CM1000 connected to a XR500. My XR500 connects directly to my Xbox One X, Hardwired with IPV6, QoS, and UPNP activated, and connected to my PS4 wired as well. Everything else is connected wirelessly.


My issue is:    Everynight and/or Every morning lately when I turn on the xbox, there no internet supplied to the system. Everything connnected wirelessly still works but the system gets a Teredo IP Error. I restart the router and everything works fine again. Is there something I can change or fix? Never had this issue with the R9000


Additional Info: Xbox uses a different DNS Server compared to Router ISP DNS Server. Static IP for IPV4 is set currently. Cat6 cable is connecting Xbox to router. Xbox is running IPV6 when router restarts but limits to Just IPV4 when it acts up. 


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