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Upload speed capped by R1? Or is this a SONY issue?

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Okay as the title suggests im having issues with my upload speed on PSN, I have tried everything such as putting speed bars up to 100%, un-check deep packet processing and even put DUMA on the super turbo however i cant seem to get an upload speed over 3mb on psn... I dont know if this is the duma or not due to: 


Reasons for it NOT being a DUMA ISSUE: so Sony's at fault...  

1) Speed test on laptop gets me 20mb 

2) there seems to be no issues with regards to download speeds 

3) I used to get a minimum of 14 - 19 on psn in the past 

4) Sony's speed test is inaccurate 


reasons for it MAY being A DUMA ISSUE: 

1) Ive tried my Asus and after multiple tests my average was about 16 upload 

2) points 2 and 3 from above

3) sonys speed test is inaccurate however other router seems to provide speed of above 12mb after every try average about 16 mb overall.


This is not a case of blame the duma i just want to if anyone is having similar issues or if anyone has a fix and trying to bring it to the devs attention as it may be something worth looking into just as a side note a lot of the issues including this speed issue for me has started after the last psn patch.


Anyway hope you all are having a great weekend of gaming! 

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Max upload on ps4 or bo3 being shown in game is 4MB upload. I know Max download is 6MB per file. If they are changing this on ps4 pro. Idk. It's not a netduma issue. It's Ps issue. Speed tests are not accurate. This is jus tests I've done personally. Files downloaded at once is like 200. Then error occurs.

I have 180d/25u. Roughly 24MB/s download on pc.

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I have 150/30 and rarely see above 6 Mbps upload on the connection settings test.  Once in a blue moon I will see higher but you seriously don't need it for gaming.  Sure download speed is awesome but I can only max out form Sony at 48Mbps down when downloading a game.  And when I download nzb's I get max speed of 19.8MBs or 158Mbps.  If they opened it wide open people with Gigabit connections would open all download available sockets and we would be traffic jammed constantly. Hence they "THROTTLE!!!"

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