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This is post I made on FrothyOmen's YouTube page that I thought I would share with you all to get your thoughts.  I am interested in knowing if many will get/play TF2 and on what platform.


I have given a lot of thought to comments made by others that this game should have more of a TF1 feel; although I agree there is more to consider...


Respawn needs to have a game that will draw and retain a larger player community than TF1 has done. From their point of view if they give us the same basic game the result will be the same - after a year or less we will be down to a core community of 4 thousand regular players daily. This is definitely not enough to sustain continued investment in further development. For this reason I understand the need for some changes, my only concern is that they don't totally sell out to the COD "look and feel".


I am of the opinion that COD is very likely in trouble and the only saving grace is that they are bringing back MW; I think IW will not stand the test of time. We saw a decline with AW; I for one quit playing early on and when BO3 came out it was a big improvement unfortunately, in my opinion, the DLC maps just didn't cut it and I stopped playing altogether.


I have only been playing TF for about a month and quite enjoy it, really looking forward to TF2 as I played both weekends one on my Xbox and the other on the PS4. I am on daily for several hours so getting some good experience from which I draw my opinions.


Just my two cents worth!

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