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Is this normal?


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My nat type keeps reseting to strict. This has been the last week or so. At first I didn't think anything of it. I just restart everything. I found a link on here that helped get it open. I'm confused because my network statistics are still all over the place but ping diagnostics shows good standings. Just another ?. When i run ping diagnostics is it supposed to turn off my Internet? When I go to run it I get (something went wrong) and kicked from wifi. Wifi has been another thing but I think you guys are already on that.




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Guest Netduma Fraser

Hey Papa, I wouldn't pay any attention to the detailed network statistics from the Xbox. They ping their own server which unless your are close to will always have a high ping. Our ping diagnostics ping (Google)  which is a better address to ping. Yes ping diagnostics disconnect all your devices from the Internet, this way the test is much more accurate and can indicate problems with your ISP. Yes we are on the Wifi at the moment. 


The link to open your NAT i assume was this one? http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=how_do_i_open_my_nat 


You did all that and it was open but has now gone back to strict?

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Guest Netduma Fraser

That's the one. My nat is still open so that's good. I'll just ignore XB. When I run ping diagnostics though i don't seem to be getting disconnected. Netflix still runs and I'm still able to play MP in AW?


It may the case that once the R1 disconnects the PC with Netflix and the console switch to your hub wifi. If you have the hub wifi still available?

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Guest Netduma Fraser

That's what i thought but wouldn't the console need the hub password? I stopped using the R1 wifi. Im wired to it now.


If you have connected to it before via wireless it may remember your password but unsure on that. Can you let us know if that happens again when you do the test incase its something on our end not causing all devices to get disconnected :)

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I ended up disconnecting the ethernet going to my xbox to see if it would just jump over to the wifi but nothing. I have to connect manually with password. If I run the test on wifi it will disconnect but wired I stay connected. IDK.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Hi Papa,


The wifi issue will be resolved soon. But you should get disconnected from the game when you run a Internet Diagnosis check, the game may try to reconnect in the meantime and what you'll see is a massive amount of lag with people running into walls. 


Also Papa I've noticed you're on IPv6 you may want to disable that by doing:

  • Settings > LAN then disable IPv6
  • Settings > WAN then disable IPV6
  • Settings > Misc disbable linklocal IPv6

Let us know how you get on please

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