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Options when kids start sucking up the bandwidth


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Ok, so I'm rocking out with my ____ out and all the sudden, BAM lagging.  So I go to the device manager and both kids are on you tube sucking up the bandwidth.  I have both CC set to 70%.  the total usage of bandwidth however is less than 50% (lets say both kids use 4 mb/s and my dn is tested @ 30 mb/s)  Can i increase/decrease % CC setting to get better results.  I assumed I would decrease, but that makes the lag worse.  So I just block them and tell them to read a book (i'm the dad, i get the big piece of chicken) 


Maybe a change from preemptive to reactive?  


Maybe cut the xbox off and play football since it's spring time again?

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Guest Netduma Fraser

Judging on what it sounds like your bandwidth is reactive may not help much as its designed for speeds over 60mbps. However, you are welcome to try that as some people sometimes the recommended one isnt best for them. Do you have every device connected to the R1? No devices connected to your ISP hub? 

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off subject, how long has the R1 been available for consumer purchase?  I'm just really surprised the vast majored of online gamers have never heard of the R1 and when I tell them about it, it sounds to good to be true, like I'm selling snake oil.


I feel extremely lucky to have "stumbled" across this technology and look forward to the day when everyone is buying R1 like they do headsets and scuff controllers, and I can say, "nana bobo, I had R1 before R1 was cool."

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Guest Netduma Fraser

every devise connected to R1.  When I speedtest cable modem I get 60/15, yet when I hook up R1 to cable modem And pc to R1, speedtest yield 31/7, so I have R1 set up for 31/7 with preemptive.  


Is that with your anti-flood at 70? Read this to get the most speed http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=why_is_my_speed_loweryou can.


off subject, how long has the R1 been available for consumer purchase?  I'm just really surprised the vast majored of online gamers have never heard of the R1 and when I tell them about it, it sounds to good to be true, like I'm selling snake oil.


I feel extremely lucky to have "stumbled" across this technology and look forward to the day when everyone is buying R1 like they do headsets and scuff controllers, and I can say, "nana bobo, I had R1 before R1 was cool."


I believe it was late November/early December last year. Haha, well as we are growing organically it will take time to get to the position where people start hearing about it more and more. 


Well thank you, that would be amazing :)

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Well, I feel like the first kid in school with a ipod or pager (yea, i'm that old).  I think you have a great product, with a market that has a real need for your product.  I wish I could buy stock (cause it's only going to go up from here).  


When I went straight Ethernet cord from pc to R1 and E cord from R1 to cable router/modem and turned CC to 100%, I was able to match Speedtest of 61/15.  But since then I installed powerline adapters from cable router to R1(then speedtest drops to 30/7) and I assume there in lies the choke-point.  And I check pc wireless to R1 and speed test were 30/8, so I assumed bandwidth needs to be set to real world conditions, not perfect conditions.  Is this correct logic?  

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Guest Netduma Fraser

Well thank you very much, that means a lot to us to have your support and backing :) 


Okay great thats working as intended then. Right, yeah it would seem that is the issue then. Yes wireless will always be lower than ethernet. Yes the logic is correct. If youre using the powerline adapters and thats causing your speed to drop, I would say do without them if you can otherwise, set the speeds youre actually getting through a speedtest.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Thanks very much for the kind words Caldera.


I'll explain the theory so you can choose the settings yourself. When people downloading/uploading make your ping rise its because they cause a queue of packets to grow. Then the game packets have to wait in that queue making your ping larger.


Queues only arise when you're downloading or uploading faster then your connection can handle. So its receiving packets at a rate faster then it can send them. The solution is simple, reduce the speeds so its below the connection speed so you don't get any queueing. 


So the idea is to reduce the anti-flood bar till you get to the point where there is no queueing but still enough bandwidth for everyone to enjoy their surfing. Hope that helps!

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