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GK's COD Lag Buster

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Hello everyone, 


I spent a lot of time tweaking this profile to get optimal results. In result, I ended up improving my dsl rating from in Bufferfloat and Quality results from an B to an A+.


The results may vary for everyone, but these are my optimal settings.


My internet service provider is Charter and my speed test results are 65 Mbps down and 4.5 Mbps up.


Congestion control is set at 50% on upload and download. Anything above 50% only received an A/B rating (50% got an A+ consistently). You may need to raise or lower this setting and ensure you get around a 1 Mbps upload connection and 10-20 download in speed test. These are in my opinion the minimum required to have optimal results in bufferbloat in relation to my connection speeds.


Previous dsl report:



Current result with profile:



Hope this helps someone!




p.s. - The profile is based off the default CoD Ultimate profile. It should work for everyone globally as ping assist is used to locate games and not geo locations. Also, the ping assist was changed from the default 50ms to 35ms.


Raw Profile Settings:

    "name": "GK's Lag Buster",
    "creator": "GlitchKing",
    "desc": "My best settings for busting COD lag and improving hit detection.",
    "system": false,
    "downcap": 50,
    "upcap": 50,
    "ccalgo": "rrc",
    "homelat": 50,
    "homelng": -30,
    "dist": 111,
    "pingass": 35,
    "strict": true,
    "geo_consel": [{
        "enabled": true,
        "connections": [{
            "state": "NEW",
            "pack1dir": "in",
            "purpose": "g",
            "dport": "1024:65535",
            "proto": "udp"
        }, {
            "state": "NEW",
            "proto": "udp",
            "purpose": "g",
            "sport": "1024:65535",
            "pack1dir": "in"
        }, {
            "pack1dir": "either",
            "purpose": "g",
            "class": "0",
            "proto": "udp",
            "dport": "1024:65535"
        }, {
            "pack1dir": "either",
            "purpose": "g",
            "class": "0",
            "sport": "1024:65535",
            "proto": "udp"
        "name": "Play station network",
        "id": 1,
        "mac": "0C:FE:45:07:30:95"
    "cwhitelist": 1,
    "cgameserver": 1,
    "cgeomap": 1,
    "autocloud": true,
    "bleedingcloud": true,
    "bdist_up": [{
        "mac": "78:24:AF:37:D9:41",
        "portion": 0.010386914790007
    }, {
        "mac": "0C:FE:45:07:30:95",
        "portion": 0.94806542604996
    }, {
        "mac": "2C:33:7A:43:DA:A5",
        "portion": 0.010386914790007
    }, {
        "mac": "F0:25:B7:04:52:56",
        "portion": 0.010386914790007
    }, {
        "mac": "B8:57:D8:F2:69:E5",
        "portion": 0.010386914790007
    }, {
        "mac": "BC:E6:3F:CC:6E:29",
        "portion": 0.010386914790007
    "bdist_down": [],
    "share_up": true,
    "share_down": true,
    "hyper": [{
        "enabled": true,
        "connections": [{
            "state": "NEW",
            "pack1dir": "either",
            "purpose": "h",
            "dport": "1024:65535",
            "proto": "udp"
        }, {
            "state": "NEW",
            "proto": "udp",
            "purpose": "h",
            "sport": "1024:65535",
            "pack1dir": "either"
        "name": "Play station network",
        "id": 1,
        "mac": "0C:FE:45:07:30:95"
    "personal": "E4:8D:8C:C6:40:9E"


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