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So annoying.


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Hey guys. It's been a while :)

I've edited (in purpose) the video w ShareFactory at half speed.

Please take a look at bullets #2 and #3.



This is Sheiva in Hardcore mode and I don't even get a single hitmarker in this distance.

You may have the best equipment and the sharpest Internet connection,but when the game itself screws you like this, there is nothing you can do about it.

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some of my best games I went 0 for 5 or something in the beginning. LOL Some of my worst I started out in god mode then couldn't kill anyone. I think when someone joins the game it readjusts. I joined a game very late and went 11 and 0 everyone on my team was very very neg and the whole other team was way positive. Im sure I ruined whatever happy time the other team was having and they had the same thing we are talking about.

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