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Slow download speeds

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Ok had this problem for months now and its finally time to get it fixed.

Assume for the sake of time that i read this forumn on a regular basis for help and tips to get the best out of the netduma.

My speeds are 200 down and 12 up from my isp. I get slightly more than that on a speed test direct from my modem or through my old asus router.

But when i connect direct(cat5) from the netduma I am only getting 50ish down and 5/6 up thats with the geo disabled and the sliders at 100.

I have tried with turbo disabled and still the same.


The same is said for wifi connection..through my old asus router I can download at over 110..yet i only get about 20 on the duma.


Any help to solve this problem appreciated

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Yep, sorry.  I was searching like posts to try and get you some info as this isn't my normal area of expertise and it being a Friday and all...


I think the new .6d upgrade will definitely be a big benefit to people like you with super fast speeds, but it's just not ready yet.


I'll see if I can't get you a little more targeted expertise....

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Thx for your reply but i have done that...and all.of the other suggestions i can find on the forumns but no joy..i dont change my device priority because of the bug.

maybe someone else can explain

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  • Netduma Staff

Thx for your reply but i have done that...and all.of the other suggestions i can find on the forumns but no joy..i dont change my device priority because of the bug.

maybe someone else can explain


Can you just confirm that you have followed everything in the link Dillinger posted? If you've followed that guide exactly you should get max speeds.

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Yes Crossy I have tried and tried and tried.l have give up now..just hoping the next update will fix it.

The only thing I change now when im gaming are the sliders.I dont change the flower prioritization..i have my geo set.

When ive finished gaming i move my sliders back to 100..press reset distribution and update distribution.

I just want a normal router when im not gaming..wouldnt it be easier that when you disable the geo it just automatically sets everything back to normal.

For me its a lot of messing about..and it still doesnt work

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 I just went into the miscellaneous settings and I un-ticked every single thing in there, and now my speeds are normal.  Could somebody else try this and confirm or deny if that works for them...   I've only had this router for about 10 days and the low speeds haven't bothered me a whole lot until tonight, so I tried everything and that is what seems to of worked for me.

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