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Problems getting a decent game on anything

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Hello all, need some help. Got the duma a month ago with much anticipation. However it has made little to no difference to the unbearable lag/instakills. I have tried using the 360 xb1 and the ps4 all crap also different games blops2 ghosts mw3, swbattlefront, blops3 and battlefield 4 crap. I have followed all the connection steps and messed with all the settings possible I have the duma connected to the modem directly as my tp link router gives me a strict Nat if used in line. I am on plusnet fibre 66up 18down 11-20ms ping. I have open Nat and type 2 on ps4, all speedtests are coming out good but the game play is still poop. Bufferbloat is a+ quality a+ speed d.

Is plusnet just rubbish?

Does the duma work properly if it is connected via pppoe?

Thanks Jof

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You will need to DMZ the R1 if it is connected to your TP-link router in order to get a open Nat PPPoE works but there is a few glitches i think when using host analysis i don't Use PPPoE on the R1 because it gives me slow speeds. Also make sure you location is correct in the map of the Geo-Fliter page and it is a good idea to have strict mode on. Can you post some screen shots of your Geo-Filter page ? 


- Tom 

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Location on geofilter is correct, peer ping off, strict mode, on ipv6 turned off on all bits, Sliders on 70%, 1000km radius(just missing Spain). Basically sims settings

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