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Any players from East-Canada?

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I have a few questions for you:

Do you see/play on any p2p or dedicated server on East-Canada?

Does anyone knows if there is a dedicated server in Canada? The only servers I see is Seattle, Kansas and I think Philadelphia.

Who's your ISP?



@netduma crew: I don't need any help to configure my router or to filter hosts. I need to see why I don't have any hosts around me, be it server or p2p.

This may help for future development of the router or it can be an Activision screw-up or it may be the ISP who's blocking the service. Who knows.


To start this;

I'm in Montreal, my ISP is Videotron and I can see a few hosts here and there in BC, Calgary but almost never in Quebec or Ontario.


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I'm from Toronto and after a few testing I've noticed a few things. For some reason and I do not know why, if your bandwidth is less than 300kbps, you are more likely to connect to west coast servers AND UK servers. If your bandwidth is around 1000kbps, you are more likely to connect in central or mountain area. If it's around 4000kbps, I've been constantly getting connected to either New York or Toronto, and sometimes Montreal servers. These results were consistent and even geofilter wasn't good enough since the game forces you to connect on any of those region BASED on your bandwidth. And all this testing was done without the use of geofilter, so if your bandwidth is around 4000kbps, you really don't need geofilter since the game automatically connects you to east coast servers. I always get connected to dedicated servers because of the lower case "e" at the end of the version number on the top right. And also I'm with Bell.

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I typically connect to ET hosts, with the occasional host outside of ET. It's inescapable. I'm on Xplorenet, which is globally panned, and I don't really find myself having much difficulty finding local (ish) hosts. However, as far as dedicated servers go, I rarely get any ET dedicated servers. In any case, I'll take a slightly out-of-locale dedicated over a sub-par local peer host host any day of the week. I also get a lot of Seattle connections on Call of Duty. Not so much any other game. Peculiar.


Try putting your Geo-Filter into strict mode and see what results you get that way, perhaps? Personally, as long as the hosts/servers are of decent quality, it really shouldn't matter where they are. I'm not sure how useful strict mode really is anyway.

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Like I mentioned earlier, the game determines the region you are going to be playing based on your bandwidth... The results I got were very consistent and even with gf on strict mode will take forever to find a match. When I was throttling my internet to low speed, I waited almost 30 minutes in the regular TDM playlist before finding a game only then to figure out that I connected to a west coast server even WITH geofilter on strict mode. 

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I get good games with my setup, 30ms, strict, 2000km. This is enough to get to Kansas and Florida.

I have NAT open and 4000kbps connection in BO3 network panel. So my setup is OK. This router gave me the option to take out Seattle which I hate. LOL

I tried different options. Ping assist only, without PA, Host filtering, On and Off. Doesn't matter what I'm using can't get any hosts P2P or servers anywhere around me. So it may be Videotron, blocking ports, hosts, services.  


I was just wondering why I don't see any hosts from Montreal/Toronto/NY. 

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I have a congestion at 70% which is OK for me. I don't play to much with this.

My download/upload speed is 60/10 from Videotron but checking on speednet it always shows 67/11..


I have a friend a couple of streets away from me. He is with Bell fiber, I'll try my router with the same setup at his place.

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I recommend leaving the sliders at 100% until you are actually in a game. Once the match loads and you are in the loading screen, then set the sliders to 70. Once the match is over, revert it back to 100%. Try it out, you will see the difference, especially if you just told me that you don't touch the sliders often...

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