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Best GeoFilter setup for UK

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I am wondering has anyone found the optimum settings for playing in UK , i have been messing around all day but more a less get the same hosts. If you have ant tricks or tips please share as i feel i am not getting the best hosts. I have a friend in UK and he gets insane 10 ms games.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Raddy your limited by your last mile, run a Internet Diagonsis test and show me the details please. That will tell you your approximate minimum ping limit. 

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Raddy your limited by your last mile, run a Internet Diagonsis test and show me the details please. That will tell you your approximate minimum ping limit. 

I posted results above, any tips would be great.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Ok buddy that suggests that the best connections you'll get will be around the 25ms. Like literally the best, I would expect you should get more like 35 and above. Thats just to do with your ISP and where you live man. 

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Ok buddy that suggests that the best connections you'll get will be around the 25ms. Like literally the best, I would expect you should get more like 35 and above. Thats just to do with your ISP and where you live man. 

Makes sense as i have been getting a few 25-30 ms games which is still great, i have just been put on a new line by BT so im sure DLM is still doing its thing on my line. I was getting 8-9 ms ping before the switch so im sure it will lower  after a while. So basically  what ever your ping is you wont get any hosts/servers that are lower.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Well basically its called the "last mile", and its the time for you to reach your ISP and be on the actual Internet. Anywhere you go on the Internet pretty much requires you to cross that last mile. Pinging google is a pretty good way to gauge what your last-mile ping is and that is what the test does :)

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I have my geo filter set to 1000km and pa to 40ms, I have then moved my home a little North of where I actually am to avoid Italian and Spanish lobbies as I fine these are the worst. Hope that helps

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