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  1. Nah I was living the dream lol tell Fraser to buy a couple extra amazon vouchers and hoodies next time haha so we can have ps4 and xbox eu and na tourneys separate.
  2. Ah yeah Crossyy I was having a whale of a time putting 5 bursts into peoples head on that last host lol I just struggle to express my true emotions.....
  3. I was enjoying the tournament until the finals on American host. all EU players and some Americans had complaints with it. I do believe in the future the tournaments should be EU and American only because if they stay like this I don't think many EU players will play them. GG to everyone who played!
  4. I won round 2 ps4 eu https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=503653173130057&set=a.433189413509767.1073741829.100004561366300&type=3&theater
  5. jordn_eu Merfy_OG Reeedyyy HereComesTheD3RN top 4 of group C2 EU i can upload screenshot if Jordn_EU doesnt have it?
  6. Group C2 EU strarted with 5 players but he backed out mid game so do I still qualify for finishing 4th?
  7. how will I be informed if somebody drops out last minute and I can play?
  8. psn gamertag : HereComesTheD3RN North East England ps4 thanks
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