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FWIW BO3 location help...

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I discovered something that may help some of you....


Let me start by saying that I live in CO and I've been having issues with my ISP.  That's an issue I still have to sort out.  Still, BO3 has been pure misery. I mean .5 kd misery and I've been playing this game since MW2.  Anyway, I have had my Gateway in Bridge or Modem Only mode.  When I check my settings on BO3, it was telling me that it saw me in Mount Laurel NJ. 


I put my DUMA in the DMZ and took the gateway out of bridge mode.  My location changed to CO and my game quality has improved immensely.  I turned off the wireless radios on the gateway so everything still runs through the Duma and my nat type is open.  But I can actually play now and it's much much better. I think this is an issue specific to Comcast, but what the hell do I know.  I've seen others say that they were having location issues so maybe this will help.


FYI I also have my congestion at 70%.  Reactive and two snaps.  Bandwidth is entered accurately.


Hope this helps someone...

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