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wifi devices not appearing in devices

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Ok so one of my ip cameras is not appearing in the device list, which means i have no idea of its port number.

its connected via wifi to a wifi access point (same as my laptop and phone which work perfectly, internet access is fine etc but also dont have entrys in the device manager)

given the random way the duma asigns ip addresses i have no idea of the ip of the camera (i can find out by logging onto its webpage....via its ip and port number ....doh)
I know its working right as when its turned on it emails me to tell me its wan ip......which with out port forwarding doesnt help lol
ummm help.

it gets wierder, on a hunch i went to the ip of the access point plus the port of my camera and bam, straight in....but thats not its ip..is it? my laptop has a different ip, my phone has a different ip but neither show in the device view.
sadly the ipcam does not as i first thought have a way to tell you its internal ip ....i mean its working now i know to use the access points ip (which is definatly the access point as its wired not wireless) but its wierd ...very wierd.

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  • Netduma Staff

Could it be showing as a nameless device? Do you know the MAC Address of the IP Camera? If you do, go to Settings >> DHCP lease and find the device in there. It is normal that you can access the camera using the IP of the AP as the camera is connected to the AP.

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did a firmware update on the access point...then had to do a factory reset on it....now it all works as it should, did look for namesless devices before (my hub and the ac point are both classed as nameless devices) but the ip camera was not amoung them.

all sorted now though

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  • Netduma Staff

did a firmware update on the access point...then had to do a factory reset on it....now it all works as it should, did look for namesless devices before (my hub and the ac point are both classed as nameless devices) but the ip camera was not amoung them.



all sorted now though

Great, nice one on sorting it! As you've fixed it, I'll close the thread - feel free to make another if you have any more questions.

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