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[split] Why does the Geo Filter say I am in Australia?

Guest Netduma_Iain

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Question - Why does my routers Geo Filter think I am in Australia?


Solution  -  If you turn on your R1 before connecting it to the internet' date=' the Geo Filter is unable to acquire your ip address, so uses its inbuilt default setting.


To fix this simply press the home icon at the top of the Geo Filter page, and move the red cursor to where ever you are located.[/b']


Feature Request:

Add another button to the top (Refresh Icon), on click simply get WAN IP and then do a geo-location on said IP, this will save a lot of headaches.

- People moving

- New IP address being assigned


Hi abc,


Honestly it couldn't be easier to move your home using the router. It takes less than a second to move it. I really doubt that would be used. But I could definitely be wrong. Is it the accuracy that you would want abc? Because that kinda makes sense, you would be more accurate using an IP then clicking with your mouse.

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depends on the method by which you are doing GeoLocation for IP...

i'd recommend the client simply using the HTML5 Geolocation...


I was thinking more for your "remedial" users...give them a click button solutions, i suppose they could type in their address, but then you are relying on that whatever GeoLocation you are specifying finds the latest maps (google doesn't do this)




Re-read your post, i meant add a feature to have the router redo the location search (this should probably happen on a schedule).

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Guest Netduma_Iain

depends on the method by which you are doing GeoLocation for IP...

i'd recommend the client simply using the HTML5 Geolocation...


I was thinking more for your "remedial" users...give them a click button solutions' date=' i suppose they could type in their address, but then you are relying on that whatever GeoLocation you are specifying finds the latest maps (google doesn't do this)




Re-read your post, i meant add a feature to have the router redo the location search (this should probably happen on a schedule).



Right I see what you mean. The router only does a home lookup on boot, which should happen very infrequently. Its not done by the web-browser, so can't use the html5 geolocation. Although that is a very good idea.


People tend to move their home location around the world depending on their needs. So I don't think it would be a good idea to periodically update the location as it would probably frustrate the user. For an example of a personal use-case. I play Halo 3 that has a very small population. So at night I put my home in the middle of Europe and then increase the scale so I only get EU players. If I left it in the UK I'd start to get east coast US which I find to be much worse than east EU.

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depends on the method by which you are doing GeoLocation for IP...

i'd recommend the client simply using the HTML5 Geolocation...


I was thinking more for your "remedial" users...give them a click button solutions' date=' i suppose they could type in their address, but then you are relying on that whatever GeoLocation you are specifying finds the latest maps (google doesn't do this)




Re-read your post, i meant add a feature to have the router redo the location search (this should probably happen on a schedule).



Right I see what you mean. The router only does a home lookup on boot, which should happen very infrequently. Its not done by the web-browser, so can't use the html5 geolocation. Although that is a very good idea.


People tend to move their home location around the world depending on their needs. So I don't think it would be a good idea to periodically update the location as it would probably frustrate the user. For an example of a personal use-case. I play Halo 3 that has a very small population. So at night I put my home in the middle of Europe and then increase the scale so I only get EU players. If I left it in the UK I'd start to get east coast US which I find to be much worse than east EU.


I think storing 2 locations would be a good idea:


1. Real geolocation of their router access point

2. The GeoFilter Center Point

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Guest Netduma_Iain

depends on the method by which you are doing GeoLocation for IP...

i'd recommend the client simply using the HTML5 Geolocation...


I was thinking more for your "remedial" users...give them a click button solutions' date=' i suppose they could type in their address, but then you are relying on that whatever GeoLocation you are specifying finds the latest maps (google doesn't do this)




Re-read your post, i meant add a feature to have the router redo the location search (this should probably happen on a schedule).



Right I see what you mean. The router only does a home lookup on boot, which should happen very infrequently. Its not done by the web-browser, so can't use the html5 geolocation. Although that is a very good idea.


People tend to move their home location around the world depending on their needs. So I don't think it would be a good idea to periodically update the location as it would probably frustrate the user. For an example of a personal use-case. I play Halo 3 that has a very small population. So at night I put my home in the middle of Europe and then increase the scale so I only get EU players. If I left it in the UK I'd start to get east coast US which I find to be much worse than east EU.


I think storing 2 locations would be a good idea:


1. Real geolocation of their router access point

2. The GeoFilter Center Point


Very good suggestion, I will add that to the list. I'll make it opt-in to start with. But if people like it we can make it a permanent feature. Also I'll use html5 geolocation like you suggested.


EDIT: Could you post that last suggestion on the Next version thread. So I can delete our conversation from this thread. I'd like the "Answer bank" to be simple common question followed by answer format.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Gotcha' date=' in the UI for GeoFilter there should be a button that just resets it to the real geolocation.  This makes it even easier.



Agree with this as well. Will try get it in the next patch :)

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