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very very long to find players for the last days


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Hi everyone, 


several french netduma players and I face currently a huge difficulty to find games. Indeed, it takes between 5 and 10 minutes to be able to find players.

Yesterday evening was really really bad for that. 

My settings are :


+ "xbox one PA" 

+ 1600km 

+ 50ms of ping

+ 70% of congestion for xbox

+ 120 MB DL / 120 MB UP (as I have fiber channel)


Even with a range that covered more than europe, it was still awfull.


Then i asked the community on the chat yesterday and somebody advised me to untick the "strict" mode.

The result was immediate : I found games each time normally until the end of the session.


So my two questions are : 

- is there any degradation in the experience advanced warfare + netduma recently ? we testify that the last two major updates decreased considerably the experience of the lag (for the first update) and the matchmaking (for the second one)

- what is the impact of unticking the strict mode. My understanding is that it doesn't strictly apply the range and ping max values for the search. But then is it totally out of the scope or is it still 90% managed by the duma to insure a quality of the game? roughly speaking, does unticking the strict mode equal removing the netduma for the matchmaking ?


Thank you for your testimonies and advices in advance


peace et bonne journée à tous les amis ;)




ps: while the strict mode was ticked, we also faced twice host migrations (whereas it's been very rare before that) and also two capitulation as the other team was not able to hire new players during the game to replace those who rage quitted.

ps' : i have the last beta duma firmware, but my other french duma mates have public one and also have the same problem. We discussed about that in the french forum :)

ps '' : i also tried to reboot everything : modem, duma, xbox one .. no effect :-/

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Guest Netduma Fraser

Hey Dare, firstly I would advise reapplying the cloud settings as sometimes it doesn't flush properly.


There is actually a recent thread discussing that AW lag has been bad even with good pings e.g. 2 different games on the same host can be completely different in terms of how it feels/plays. So this is perhaps what you may be experiencing.


Unticking strict mode means that dedicated servers can get through even if they're outside your radius. PA will still function as normal. However, if unticking strict mode works for you that's great, the reason we added the option is because different people will have settings that work for them.


My advice is re apply the auto cloud. Go back to the Geo-filter and do a hard refresh Ctrl + F5 and reenable strict mode. Then put your distance to the smallest and press the snap button (one to the right of the soon button). Press this 2-3 times, it will auto expand your filter to where it thinks will be optimum to get a game.


Otherwise take off strict mode if it works better for you :)


Let us know how you get on :)

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Hi Fraser,


First of all, thank you for your answer.



Unticking strict mode means that dedicated servers can get through even if they're outside your radius. PA will still function as normal. However, if unticking strict mode works for you that's great, the reason we added the option is because different people will have settings that work for them.


What do you mean by "dedicated server" ? are they activision dedicated server, or any host that will host the game ?  (If i understood well, a game can be hosted either by a lambda user (like me) or a dedicated server. Am I right ?) 


Then logically the netduma router would "force" a connection to servers (dedicated or not) inside the radius in strict mode , and outside the range with strict mode unticked. But only for dedicated servers (eg . AW ones) or for all even for users hosting ?


To be honnest, I'm a little bit lost with what is dedicated or not, because on the map I only see red circles and only two or three white ones. that would mean that there are not that much dedicated servers in europe ?


I know, it's a lot of question, but I would appreciate some clarification from you :)


Thank you :)

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Guest Netduma Fraser

A dedicated server will be a server that is managed by the game company/publisher. As we're talking about AW yes the dedicated servers are managed by Activision. Yes you are correct, a person/person's can be host or a dedicated server. AW uses a mix of P2P (peer 2 peer) and dedicated server hosts.


Yes the R1 on strict mode forces the host to be within your radius, this could be a P2P host or dedi, whatever the game decides. Unticking strict mode means just dedicated servers outside your radius can be connected to, you could in theory get P2P hosts inside the radius but not outside with strict unticked.


Don't worry about the white servers. If when you get into a game and you see your red host, click on it, if it has an update button this means its a player host and you can block/allow it. If it doesn't have an update button it means its a dedicated server as we do not allow you to block them as it may ruin your gaming experience.


No problem at all, hope that helps :)

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Thank you Fraser, so if I summarize, it means that :


  • strict ticked:
    • dedicated activision server :
      • kilometers restriction : ok
      • ping restriction : ok
    • gamers hosting a game :
      • kilometers restriction : ok 
      • ping restriction : ok 
  • strict unticked :
    • dedicated activision servers :
      • kilometeres restriction : not applied
      • ping restriction : ok 

    • gamers hosting a game :
      • kilometers restriction : ok
      • ping restriction: ok 

Am I correct ? :)

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